Post-nap Saturday afternoon thoughts

Oh, it's so cold today. And I'm eating ice cream. Very, very cold.
This morning I went across the street to the mall and came home with new underwear for Aaron. They're from Gymboree, very cute. He said, with a scrunched up face, "Well, I like them. But I would like them a lot more if they had violent stuff on them." That's my boy.
Now Steve is at work and the kids just woke me up from my nap and darn it if I still don't resent Steve for taking the remote to the bathroom with him so I wouldn't get it, back when we were in San Diego two weeks ago. Kidding!
What I really want is to get my children to respond to my requests/pleas/commands without me having to get mad first. Does anyone know the secret? For instance, if I want Elliot to clean up the dinosaur/pillow fort he made, and I've already asked him to do it 4 times, and he made a half-hearted attempt for 30 seconds, but it's still not clean, what is my next move supposed to be? Do I (a) turn off the tv to regain his focus, (b) punish him, (c) keep nagging about it, or (d) raise my voice? 'Cause baby, I've tried all the above and I think I need an Option E. Suggestions welcome.
I need to start a new book. Last week I finished Letters For Emily. It wasn't really for me. I'm a book and movie snob, I think. For instance, why did so many people tell me that Night at the Museum was good? It was not.
Also, just finished East of Eden. LOVED it.
Abby, I liked your response too, everyone does love praise. Maybe Nels would do better with a little more...
In the young years, kids are overwhelmed with tackling a cleaning project. They don't know where to begin. So saying something like, "I'm going to help you clean this mess. Let's see if we can do it in 3 minutes" means you will be helping, but the job will get done and it becomes a game for him. Setting an egg timer adds to the fun.
Try the reward system. You know, you clean it up and you get to keep your toys. You don't clean it up and the toys go to the trash. Only trouble with that is, who paid for the toys, so they're smart enough to know you aren't really going to thrown them out or give them to D.I. Have fun. It really does get better. Love you all. Elinor