Freaking awesomeness

Yesterday for dinner I picked up: pizza. We put the leftovers in the fridge. Who doesn't love cold pizza leftovers for breakfast? So that's what the kids had, bright and early. Today at lunch, I was wanting something effortless, so I cooked up a Safeway self-rising crust frozen pepperoni pizza. "The best pizza we have ever, ever had," the kids shouted. After some snacking in the afternoon on cereal and clementines, which I have, in my kitchen, we met Steve at Costco this evening to return some shoes and to get dinner at the Food Court. I grabbed a table while Steve and the kids put in their order. Chicken caesar salads for the adults, and for the kids: oh, yes, he bought them pizza! So, let's review. Last night for dinner, today for breakfast, lunch and dinner: PIZZA. All with pepperoni. And now you understand the title of this post. Scheduled for tomorrow: tour of a doughnut factory with the kids and the cubs. The awesomeness continues.

After Costco, we all went to the furniture store to peruse the bed selection. Then Elliot and I went for a night on the town to the bowling alley. It brought me back to my glory days at BYU when I took a freaking awesome bowling class. There was a very cute boy named John--in fact, his name was Bowling John-- who I got to bowl with all semester and on whom I was crushing. I tried to drop hints that we should hang out, but he didn't bite. The semester ended, the summer came and went, and the next fall I was walking up the steps in the Widtsoe Building, I want to say, or maybe it was the Marb, for the first day of my Poli Sci class. Right next to me was John, walking into the same class! I eagerly struck up a conversation and walked with him into the class, sitting right next to him. I was flirting away brilliantly when John must have motioned to a friend behind us to rescue him because all of a sudden I hear the guy call out, "John! Hey buddy! That ring is looking pretty nice on your finger!" "Ring?" I ask. "Yeah, I got married this summer," he answered sheepishly/relievedly. It was pretty freaking awesome.

Also awesome: bowling alleys are good places to go if you are a smoker.
Also awesome: Man Versus Wild is now on back-to-back episodes on Survival Friday on the Discovery Channel. My husband is in heaven like you wouldn't believe.

It's so rad.


LuckyRedHen said…
We ordered pizza in for the kids and babysitter tonight. My daughter loves cold pizza and will probably have it for breakfast. We're MIGHT be suffering through Chuck E. Cheese tomorrow for lunch. I won't be doing pizza for dinner tomorrow night because it's Ben's bday dinner. If it weren't then I would do pizza just so we could be twinners :o)
Suzie Petunia said…
It reminds me of the time I ate out all 3 meals on my birthday. It didn't end well. I'll have to blog about that some time. I have to keep reminding myself that now that you've given birth you have more room in your abdomen for 3 meals of pizza. Right now just THINKING about that much pizza gives me heartburn.

I never knew about Bowling John. Poor Em. I would have died.
Neil and Diana said…
What is Man Versus Wild?
I had that same awesome experience of hitting on a fine looking fellow for a whole semester who didn't tell me he was married (WITH 5 FREAKIN KIDS!!!) until the last day of class. Jerk. I say he was milking it.
Anyway, I bet your clementines are better than most because you are in the citrus heartland.
Anonymous said…
Pizza is awesome.
Anonymous said…
We had pizza Tuesday night, pizza Thursday night, and the kids had leftover pizza Friday night. I wonder if that's why Mark threw-up over 20 TIMES (no lie) last night and Jonah is following suit this morning. Freaking Awesome! Have fun at the donut factory. sidenote: I once met some very attractive men (long before I met Mark) at the temple who were not wearing rings. I sort of waited around for them out front and asked them point blank if they were married. They said yes and that they were brothers-in-law. I surprised myself, and probably them, when I snapped back and said, "Well, you're not wearing rings!" They both said they took their rings off while at the temple and forgot to put them back on. WHAT?
Anonymous said…
That was gutsy of you, Sarah! In a wonderful little coincidental twist, James also threw up all night last night. I cried this morning as I cleaned up the bathroom. I feel sorry for both of them.
AmyJune said…
I bet they would be happy to have pizza everyday for every meal forever. You should do a little "awesome" experiment and try going a week with pizza for every meal.
Iremember you taking that bowling class. Good times.
Emmie said…
Also freaking awesome: this post!
austinmcraig said…
The kids eating pizza all of the time is just getting them ready for college. Man vs. Wild? The host of that show is a joke! Also, thats a great story about bowling john, and this is the first time I've heard that phenomenon going from female to male.
lys said…
Ouch, my sides are aching from laughing so hard.
Anonymous said…
abby, you are nice to clean up Jamie's barf.
everydayjami said…
I do believe my last meal would be pizza. I love it. Really, you can't go wrong breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Emily, you are freaking awesome! Such a great writer. I love your posts.
Anonymous said…
I remember bowling John. I think I even remember going to the bowling alley to meet you and snatch a peak or something like that???
Too bad for me, Nels doesn't like pizza. He's not a big fan of melted cheese, so no grilled cheese, no quesadillas, only mac and cheese for him. He would go for donuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner though.
Eliza said…
Pizza is the all-around best meal ever. Pepperoni's not my favorite (though I'll take it) but honestly, if I had to pick one food to eat for the rest of my life, pizza would be it. There's a lot of room for variety, in fact I've had pizza for days on end before and as long as you mix up the toppings it really just doesn't get old.

Cold pizza in the morning...yum.
Eliza said…
(In case it seems REALLY weird that I'm posting at 4:30 in the morning, I am on the east coast so it's actually 6:30 for me...if that's any less weird.)
AliceK[i]ND said…
We've all been puking for the last 5 days at our house.... but there hasn't been any pizza around here for a while. I guess I should get some for dinner tonight.

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