Oh, boy!

"This is your second?" she asks when we walk in with Isaac.

"It's number four," I tell the ultrasound technician. "We have three boys."

"Well, we already know what this one will be, don't we?" she asks as the first images of our baby flash onto the monitor.

"Do you know already?" I wonder.

"No. But I would bet money on it being a boy. When you have three of the same thing, it's almost always the same for the next. Almost a sure thing."

She takes her time. Our baby's heart. It has 4 chambers! The liver. The kidneys. She measure the spine. Two legs, two feet. One arm that's visible. The other is folded close to its chest. A measurement of the brain. The baby weighs 1/2 pound already! (I groan inwardly--those other 17 1/2 pounds are all mine??) There's a spleen, an esophagus. Not really -- we don't get that detailed, but it sure seems to be taking a long time. I wait patiently. Our baby appears to be healthy. That is joyous news.

I wonder if she is even going to get to the gender. I think about Tracy and how she has threatened to sever our friendship if we have a girl. She's mostly serious, I know. I think about Catherine and how I seem to be following in her familial footsteps. Three boys and a girl, she has. I think about Aaron and Isaac and Elliot and how our family dynamics will change with this new baby. I think about Relief Society and how every week they wait for a big announcement from me, and every week I put it off, saying, "I'll have news after April 27th." The news will not be quite as exciting if I am having another boy. I think about our three bedroom house and how it's just not that big.

Then she gets to the part we've all been waiting for.


Tracy, we can work through this.


Anonymous said…
Holy cow! Congratulations Emily! :-) Clever way of sharing the news, by the way.
Anonymous said…
By clever, I meant the ultra-large workds "It's a girl!!!" throughout your entry. :-)
Anonymous said…
woohoo! We'll set her up with Owen's friends in about 16 years.
Anonymous said…
Hooray!!!! It's so fun to have a girl. Congratulations.
Anonymous said…
Congrats. Iam so excited for you
Suzie Petunia said…
YEEEEEHAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW! WOW! Amazing! I am so thrilled for you and all the boys!!!! I don't have enough exclamation points to voice my excitement for you!! I have to call you! WOW! WOnderful! I am so happy for you!
Neil and Diana said…
I think suzie petunia expressed it better than I ever could. We are thrilled!
Neil and Diana said…
p.s. I believe it is your turn.
My heart was beating so fast as I was reading.

Yeah! Congratulations a million times over!
Anonymous said…
Yeah!! I am so excited for you guys!!! The boys will love her!!! I know you already have a named picked out right!!! :)
Anonymous said…
This is so exciting for both your family and our ward!!! CONGRATULATIONS! I guess now Tracy will have to keep trying and have at least one more baby. I'm really happy for you! This baby girl will be so blessed to come into your family. She will be so protected by three older brothers! Lucky girl.

I can't wait to have a shower for you:)

debi said…
Wow- Congratulations Emily!! I'm sure Relief Society will be more exciting than normal on Sunday. From one who has no idea what you must feel like...:)
You give me hope. I have three sons as well, and I still dream of having a girl. I'm so outnumbered...
amyegodfrey said…
This baby's Nana is very excited!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Emily!!! I am so Happy for you!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Emily! We are excited for you. Hope your friendship with Tracy is still intact!
---Donna E.
Anonymous said…
I have to say I was a little shocked to say the least, that you were having a girl and I was having another boy, but I am happy for you. I guess we can still be friends or at least that is the right thing for me to say. No but really congrats!! and in response to Jamie’s comment I don’t think I will be having anymore the odds are stacked against me.

Anonymous said…
I am so excited for you I can hardly stand it! I hope you have already started shopping! I can't wait to see how beautiful she is and hear what fabulous name you have come up with!
~j. said…
Congratulations to you!!

This proves my theory on the 'statistics', ie, "When you have three of the same thing, it's almost always the same for the next. Almost a sure thing".

My theory: it's pretty much 50/50 every time.


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