I like to change up my blog design with great frequency, and sometimes I like to make it purposefully ugly and unpleasant to read. Why would I possibly want to have an ugly blog? Because, my friends, every once in a while I need to channel my younger, sassier, and more defiant self who wants nothing to do with the status quo and has general distaste for conformity. Not that I don't appreciate beautiful blogs . I do. My sisters are both the bomb.com at making things look gorgeous. But it's not necessarily a talent that I value enough to dedicate serious time to myself. Plus, while I love having a forum in which to have conversation and I especially love conversation and am interested in what people have to say and so I think blogs are great especially since I'm taking a fb hiatus (breathe), I do not seek after nor desire a large audience to read this blog. I have never once promoted my own blog and I like that's it's very grassroots and raw. That is why I said, ...