Making my list

I've been limiting my Costco excursions to once a month or so in favor of other grocery stores in the area, but the result has been that when I do go to Costco, my list is full of the items that it really only makes sense to buy there, usually for cost reasons.

These things include but are not limited to:

baby wipes
frozen fruit
baby formula
garbage bags
artichoke hearts
kalamata olives
dental floss
minced garlic
printer paper

What have I missed? What else is cheaper and/or best to buy at Costco?


lys said…
Broccoli, snap peas, spinach, and lettuce.

Also, a lot of their cheeses are priced well.
Emily said…
contact solution
pepper said…
where do you buy toilet paper and paper towel? I buy it at costco when I have a coupon.
~j. said…
milk, bread, cheese, cereal, toilet paper, speedo swimsuits.
Nancy said…
we can't live without the uncooked tortillas, love them!
Lisa said…
toilet paper
frozen chicken breasts
fishy crackers
frozen meatballs
laundry detergent
AmyJune said…
butter, cottage cheese, blackberries, tortillas, dates, chocolate chips, frozen tilapia, pork roasts, laundry detergent.
Courtney said…
uncooked tortillas, sundried tomatoes, eggs and sometimes milk
Sarah said…
uncooked tortillas
olive oil
pepperjack cheese
fruit snacks
simply salt microwave popcorn
amyraye said…
wow. i haven't been to your actual site in a while; did i just totally copy your layout or what?! :)
and i actually have a draft in livewriter right now that is my costco shopping list. interesting.

here are my additions:
swedish fish
sour cream
cream cheese
whipping cream
land o lakes whipped cream
uncooked tortillas
ziploc bags
milton's whole wheat english muffins
sliced chicken breast from the deli
bleu cheese
feta cheese
sliced cheddar cheese
ground turkey
frozen chicken breasts
fruit leather

ok, i've gotta stop. those are just a few of the things i buy there on a regular basis.
Sarah said…
2 things i absolutely do not buy at costco: bananas and paper towels.

after a long stretch of not buying baanas there, i sometimes think "the bananas will be good this time." nope. they NEVER are.

and why don't they carry the "select-a-size" bounty paper towels. i go to target for those.
Amy said…
my fridge is empty, and I was just curious to see what other people buy! We don't have Costco, but at Sam's we buy Hawaiian Hazelnut coffee beans, frozen salmon, giant croissants (half of which actually make it home) and preportioned school snacks.
whit said…
This is in response to AmyJune about the frozen tilapia. Check the fresh tilapia, bc at our Costco, it was actually cheaper per ounce to buy the fresh tilapia over the frozen.
lys said…
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lys said…
Whit is totally right on the fresh tilapia-- I always buy the fresh, portion it out & then freeze it.

Some things I forgot: the latest book for your book club, Adidas track suits for the kids, rolls, and sliced bread.

Cereal is not a good deal at Costco.

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