H Street

In Washington,  Steve and I and Diana, my sister-friend, had dinner in Chinatown where we took Pepper's advice on the honey walnut shrimp. It was all very delightful. Calvin wanted a fortune for each hand and one for his mouth. Calvin was and is a super champy baby traveling companion who at 9 months has been to 12 states*. The peeps behind us in this photo had SO MUCH FOOD on their table -- all meaty dishes. It was grody to the max.

*In order: Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, California, Montana, Wyoming, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania


amyegodfrey said…
What a fun post! Calvin is such a good-natured baby. I'm glad he is a happy traveler!
Sarah said…
50 states by age 5.
Neil and Diana said…
Brings me right back to our splendid day and walking behind the BBQ Fest. Ryan and Jessica and Alice and I were in the Nat'l Portrait Gallery list room yesterday and I thought of you.
amyegodfrey said…
I'm glad the Washington and Philly people got together yesterday! Love to have been there with you. I've been thinking about Calvin's travels, and it's a pretty amazing accomplishment for you, and for him.

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