A blog at rest tends to stay at rest

One of these days I'll post something again.

(Blog posts about blog posts are the worst kind.)


Neil and Diana said…
what a beautiful profile foto.
abby said…
you can do it.
AmyJune said…
That title brings back way too many physical science memories. I miss your posts.
geritebo said…
As someone who's just getting into the blog thing, I know it's hard to keep up. But when you're ready, I'm one of your avid readers!
Callie said…
Come back soon Emily! I miss you!
Jennifer said…
Um, excuse me Emily, but you posted this on my birthday. I was expecting a long, adoring post all about that, and me.

(I'm officially offended.)

(And happy because I haven't posted in over a month, so now I feel better.)

(Since you are my blogging guru, even though you don't know it.)
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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