Look what the storm blew in

If you are completely unprepared in (almost) every way to birth your child due to the fact that your body does not really do spontaneous labor and you thought you had a good two weeks to worry about details and thus

{house is a mess
haven't begun to wash or sort baby clothes
no newborn diapers
...or bouncy seat
...or swing
...or nursing pads
...or bassinet/port-a-crib for your room
...or pacifiers
packed hospital bag is but a distant dream
child's big oral presentation on William Clark is not ready to go
baby name is not solidified
neighbor kids are coming over tomorrow for a playdate
not mentally geared up to go drugfree
have tickets to Friday night's football game
haven't registered with the hospital
no groceries in the house}


you're emotionally and physically ready to not be pregnant anymore and to meet this new precious babe and he has joyously turned his little cute self around so he is head-down after all the fuss about being breech,


you tiredly say prayers with your husband before going to bed and offer up as a casual aside to Heavenly Father to "please bless my body go into labor on its own," you know, just for kicks, because that doesn't happen for you


be prepared to wake up at 2:15 that very night to contractions that hurt and that continue to get more frequent and lengthy and painful and then take a shower and an hour later wake up your husband saying, "I'm in labor," and when he says, "What should I do?" and you say, "I don't know" and he falls back asleep you say, "I'm pretty sure falling back asleep is not the right answer" and then grab a few things and straighten up a few things, and then call your mother-in-law and go to the hospital

AND THEN -------

at 5:25 welcome a perfect little boy into the world.

'Cause that's how it all went down for me.

Calvin Baker
7 pounds, 6 ounces
blonde hair, receding hairline
12 days early! (never thought his birth month would be September)
positively perfect


Toria said…
that is just about the most perfectly written birth story and wow! Congratulations- so exciting. Calvin is such a cute name too- goes so well with all the others. Enjoy! (and recover quickly from the no drug thing- what a woman!)
Emily said…
Thank you, Toria! I have to clarify: I did get an epidural this time. Wasn't prepared!
Lisa said…
Kristen said…
congratulations emily and family! i'm sooo happy for you! this totally made my day! xoxo
lys said…
Congrats to the mother of FIVE! Wow! You are amazing! I'm so glad that things went well. LOVE the name Calvin. Glad that you didn't go with Wyatt. ;)
Callie said…
Wow! I was SO not prepared for this post....now "Mr. September" makes so much more sense! Congratulations!! Very exciting, he is a doll, just like his brothers and sister! I had a good laugh that Steve fell back asleep...
Wendy said…
He is beautiful! Congratulations!
yay! nice story. Welcome, Calvin!
Steve said…
Just to clarify: I didn't fall back asleep -- rather I just lay back down, trying to decide what the best thing to do was. But I can't blame Emily for the mistake, because I'm sure it looked like I went back to sleep.

On a more serious note. Birth is a wonderful thing. Such a beautiful moment. I'm so proud of Emily and love her so very much.
Emz said…
So happy for you & your family. Enjoy the moment.
Carrie said…
Yay! Congratulations! Love his name.
Angela said…
Yeah! So happy everything went well. We will be coming to see you soon!
Unknown said…
So happy for you, Emily! Glad you are both doing well. What a great family you have!
Jocelyn said…
That is a great story to tell Calvin on his birthdays! I am not sure how I would handle that surprise, I like to plan, but yeah for you! William Clark has waited 200 years, what's another week. Congratulations to your beautiful family.
~j. said…
Emily, congratulations!!! To you, and to your entire family.
Carina said…
Oh my stars! Emily! That is fantastic! What a fast labor, and what a darling baby. Very excited to meet the littlest baby with the cutest name.
Heidi said…
Congrats you guys! I didn't realize you were so close to delivery. Does this mean we won't be meeting up with you at the game on Friday night???
amyraye said…
can't wipe the smile off my face. there's something about being pregnant and hearing about other babies being born. the anticipation of giving birth is simply the best feeling ever. congratulations on everything going smoothly and quickly.
(and you may have just stolen the only baby name that has made our list so far.)
Courtney said…
CK said…
congrats! after a few weeks you'll have to let me know how being a mother of five goes. I also am emotionally and physically ready not to be pregnant and I have a long time to go. He is just beautiful.
Christen Noelle said…
Congratulations!!! He is beautiful...and I love his name! You look great by the way, and a quick labor is always a blessing!
tessa said…
Wonderful! What an exciting story. So glad he decided to be a head down baby. We LOVE the name Calvin. That's Bennon's middle name in our family. Congrats to you all. Enjoy and relax (as bet you can:)
tessa said…
Oh and Steve C., my Steve W. did fall back to sleep when my water broke with our first. I pummeled him awake again though:)
AmyJune said…
I can't believe you had enough energy left over to blog all that. Congrats Emily on yoru adorable baby.
sue-donym said…
Congratulations Emily! He is beautiful. I'm so glad everything worked out the way it did.

And the look on your daughters face in that picture is priceless.
Becky said…
Look at you blogging on the the day you give birth! No sweat! You're amazing, Em and I started to cry the happy tears when Stevie called me this morning! I am elated to meet little Calvin. What a sweet baby to answer his mama's prayers so quickly :)
Congrats, Emily! Didn't even know you were pregnant, but I am in awe, since one is crazy enough for me. It must have been the AZ heat that set you into early labor (I was in AZ this past weekend and my phone is still there). Congrats to you, Steve and the kids!
Kalli said…

Many many happy congratulations. There are no sweeter words to a gestating mother than "12 days early" and "short labor and delivery". I want to squeeze him, and you, except that would yield all sorts of consequences for you so I'll refrain.
Kalli said…
Also, this is not helping with my urges for another baby.

Sarah said…
We are so thrilled!!! He is DARLING! And Norah's look is priceless.

Also, blogging on your delivery day? Extraordinary.
whit said…
Congrats! Glad to hear that my husband is not the only one sleeping at the wrong times either pre, during, or post labor. Love the name Calvin.
Suzie Petunia said…
Wonderful, wonderful! Welcome, little Calvin! I am so happy for you Emily and Steve and kids! I am amazed with the surprise of this fast labor. It gives me hope that perhaps I won't be in labor for 30 hours again this time around. But 3 sounds a bit fast for my liking, too. I guess I'm never happy... No, that is not true because I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! He's beautiful!
Nancy said…
Congrats! Steve said you did great and it was the easiest birth yet, maybe you're not done? Just kidding, he looks very Stevie like, and Norah looks so sweet looking at him. We'll be by probably next week, I'd like to bring dinner and take a couple of kids off your hands, congrats again!
amyegodfrey said…
I will never tire of reading this wonderful story. I love Calvin already. Norah's expression is priceless, absolutely priceless. I'm grateful beyond measure for you and your beautiful family.
Early surprises are so much better than late ones! He is adorable! Congratulations to the Craig family and the Godfrey Family for having a great new addition to their already remarkable families.
Jord said…
Oh my goodness, congratulations! He is beautiful and I'm so glad you didn't have to have a c-section. Hopefully your Mom is on her way ...
pam said…
I wonder if the reason Calvin let the storm blow him in on the last day of September is that he didn't want to be called October! His dad always wanted a child called October, but I guess Steve got outvoted this time. So glad he made it safely here even amidst the storm.
Anonymous said…
congratulations emily! he's perfect! reading that makes me want to have another baby. there is NOTHING on earth like a brand new baby. soak him up and kiss his baby soft cheeks one extra time for me! brand new baby cheeks are a little bit of heaven:).
Unknown said…
Congratulations Craig family. We are so happy that it all went well. Can't wait to meet Baby Calvin.
Kristine said…
Congratulations! I guess babies don't wait for us to have everything in order for them to come. Thank goodness for moms and mom-in-laws who can help with that. I loved your story--so funny and sweet. Calvin is darling--I'm just so happy for you!
Bryn said…
Emily I'm soooooooooo happy for you. I'm so very thrilled it went so well.........

Let me cook for you when you get home...that's how happy I am for you.
Bobbie said…
Hooray! I'm so happy for you guys. I actually had Susie 2 weeks early too. Isn't it great to be early, whether you're ready or not? I made some dinner for you guys tonight and put it in my freezer, so I'll bring it by sometime.
everydayjami said…
What an awesome surprize!!! He is blessed to come to such a great family. So lucky that it was quick and easy. I can't wait to meet Calvin in person. Any plans for coming to AZ soon?
pepper said…
Congratulations to your family.
Calico Sky said…
I'm so happy for you!! What a blessing he is :)
Shauna said…
Congratulations!!!! I'm so happry for you and a little jealous...I still have 3 months to go. Calvin is so cute and looks like another Craig!
Heidi Horlacher said…
Yeah for the Craigs! We are so happy for you. Can't wait to meet little Calvin. You have the most beautiful family. Every time I see pictures on your blog I just think the kids get cuter and cuter. That little Norah is just darling. Love you, Heidi
Andelin said…
Sorry, it's taken me a while to come around to the blogosphere these days. But it doesn't change how excited I am for you!... and relieved that you didn't have to have a c-section! He is so cute! What a perfect delivery scenario! I love it for you! It brought tears to my eyes. What a sweet baby! Love the pictures! I definitely see Isaac in that little guy! Congratulations Emily!

We just got an offer on our home yesterday, thanks to Jami!:-) She brought over someone from the ward, Becky Wright. And, I guess she liked it enough to make us happy with an offer! Maybe I get to have a break from all of the stress of calls, appointments and keeping the house constantly clean then.(i.e. now I get to look at pictures of my friends' cute newborns!)
Jennifer said…
Congratulations, Emily! I love the name, and you look way too pretty to have just had a baby. What an exciting time--enjoy/survive it! And by the way, the baby totally looks like a Godfrey--I'd say Neal. Has anyone else said that?

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