
Showing posts from November, 2008


This one almost made the Christmas card cut, but I figured I couldn't do that to Isaac. Dude, why are my pictures all doing this when I load them to Blogger? Frustration abounds.

Trespassing in the SWKT

We took Geography 120 and 350 in this room before they were born.

A new bike

A few hours after our very scary near miss, when our hearts had settled down and after we had offered a prayer of gratitude for our little miracle, Isaac decided to go back outside and jump back on his bike. Fearless, that child! Only, he was most chagrined to find that his bike had sustained a lot of damage and was rendered unrideable. Tears followed, lots of little Isaac tears. "Honey," I said, "it's more than okay. Your bike doesn't matter -- we can get you a new one. We're just glad you're okay." This morning Elliot and Steve opened the garage door to walk down to church (happy November warmish weather!!) and found this sitting outside: A new bike for Isaac, from the mailman. My turn to cry.

Time to pull out the shrubs

I am so humbled and grateful that a few minutes ago when Isaac went flying down the driveway on his bike without a helmet and slammed into the moving mail truck and fell off and rolled in the street, that it was his bicycle seat and not his head that was crushed under the tires; that both he and the mailman were terribly shaken and scared, but no one was hurt. I'm unbelievably grateful for that.

Why isn't there a bigger audience

for clean and quirky? Pushing Daisies, I'll miss you. Go find Ed and keep him company.

Seeking guidance

What do you set the heat to at night?  During the day? Thank you.

Mindy is a banana and picnic at Sundance


What to do while waiting to celebrate or mourn the election results

My friend Bethany sent me a series of interesting quotes and links today. I usually dread and promptly delete forwarded emails, but these linked to original sources so I was wont to render them credible, and the timeliness could not be beat. It is, after all, election day. Rex E. Lee was United States Solicitor General for several years, then president of BYU. I think he is widely respected and lauded as a constitutional genius. I very much enjoyed reading this speech he gave at BYU in 1991. Of interest to me: his assertion that God caused the Constitution to come about, but that it is not perfect and is not scripture; a personal grievance with our country's laws or politics is not a fulfillment of the constitution "hanging by a thread" prophecy; I am not "the sole heir of James Madison's wisdom" (and neither are you); and the ever-relevant reminder that our liberties are directly tied to our righteousness. Read, read!

A pretty sky and Norah is a rooster


My favorite brother on the Alpine Loop and the tri-colored tree out our front window
