Questions for you

What is the best "band" game for the Wii? Rock Band? Guitar Hero? Should we hypothetically get the Beatles edition, or just buy the regular and buy the Beatles game? Will our kids destroy the instruments in 30 minutes flat? Are there songs on Rock Band 2 with bad language/themes that wouldn't be appropriate for kids?

This conversation is just between you and me, right?


amyraye said…
you just can't sit still with your blog layout- can you. yes, i have serious opinions about this. lego rock band just came out (no fail). there are definitely versions that have inappropriate songs on them. [most versions, actually] i'm not with damon right now- and he's the one that educates me on that kind of stuff. i'll get back to you. but, in short: yes, you need to research it.
Anonymous said…
oprah featured one last night. It looked like what i imagined rock band to be to begin with. we have rock band 2. i hate it. the kids don't love it. they are only allowed to do a few of the songs. there is one called sing star that i have heard is fun. don't know anything about it other than it is said to be clean and fun. good luck:)
abby said…
get the beatles one. just cuz i want to play it. but i like this blogging two days in a row thing!
Whitny said…
we have rock band 2. But we need another guitar and they broke the microphone. I got a wireless one off ebay. I think it was 11.
Beatles sounds fun. But I like ours.
YOu can get the no fail codes and codes to open all the songs for pretty much any of the games.
Liz said…
The advantage to Rock Band (any version) over Guitar Hero is that you can play up to 4 people at once. So all the boys could play at the same time, or you and Steve could join in. It's pretty fun.
*JULIA* said…
Rock Band
We like the Beatles version better at our house. Its a little easier to listen to when they are playing it plus I love that my kids are learning all the Beatles Music.
We've had our rockband for a year and nothing has been broken. Unless you count when Emma hid the drumsticks in between pillows in her closet and we couldn't find them for a couple weeks??
brandi said…
i lost that battle with jahde, so we too, have rock band. i think the characters are very creepy. not all of the lyrics are appropriate and my inner conspiracy theory self secretely thinks there are subliminal messages and brain neurotransmitter re-patterning schemes in play here;) seriously, we never play it but have had some good times with it. the beatles one sounds great. -i'd go that way. it seems there's always something funner, to do than play video games anyways.
Rachel said…
Thanks for this post Emily. We too have been debating this same thing. I worry about language and immodesty. We are very strict about video games in our house.

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