I don't like movies much

I usually fall asleep, or fidget thinking about the time wasted factor, or am annoyed at the cost to get in, or find fault in the plot or the acting or the gratuitous sex or the makeup (ahem, Twilight) -- I know, I sound like a lot of fun, right? -- so it's always a joy as well as a surprise when I find one that I love, or at least really really like. Love to find movies I love.

Today I very much enjoyed I Am David in my basement while I folded mountains of laundry. It was beautiful thematically and visually, sweet, hopeful, and just really well done. Life-affirming, yet not insipid. I feel a tad dumb that I didn't know about concentration camps in Eastern Europe after WWII. Bulgaria? Does everyone know about those?

Another lovely, lovely thing happened today and that is that my sister delivered two precious little boys so that I could have more nephews. Wasn't that nice of her? I can't wait to meet them.


Emz said…
I shall be finding that movie for tonight. Thanks for mentioning it.

Congrats to Sarah. SO happpy for her. :)
*JULIA* said…
I am completely with you on the movie thing. I rarely go with my movie loving husband. I want to check that movie out at our library for my next laundry folding day. For some reason I don't mind watching movies while folding laundry.
Emily said…
i just saw that the movie got terrible reviews. I think that's funny. I'm usually the toughest critic.
Nancy said…
Was that a NetFlix movie or did you get it at RedBox? Congrats to Sarah! I don't know if I can make that New Moon happen (although I'd love to) with Hallie and school, and Travis kind of wants to see it too, so I was planning on seeing it with him once the first weekend hype dies down, but thanks for the invite, I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.
Whitny said…
Oh Sarah had the twins. That is wonderful. Hope everything is well with her.
Angela said…
Congrats to Sarah! Why did I think she was due in like February?
Rachel said…
Oh your poor sister. My thoughts are with her. good luck raising twins is one of the hardest things I have ever done!

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