The most fabulous winter tip you've heard all day

The context:
My thumb nail cracked down the middle, so I've been cutting the nail short short short so it doesn't snag and crack even more. Doing so caused my skin to crack, a nasty deepish sort of skin crack that made the whole area tender and was beginning to even throb a little. A quick heal did not look promising. Lotion definitely wasn't going to do the trick.

The miracle:
The internet, which is where I took my problem in hopes of a solution. In ten seconds I found a solution.

The solution:
Superglue. Apply a dab to the cracked skin. A seal protection is immediately formed. The pain disappears.

The challenge:
Try it. You'll love it.


lys said…
It's true. It really does work.
Emily said…
Wait, does everyone already know this?
*JULIA* said…
Ive done this on a crack on my heal and it worked great.
Unknown said…
We use it all the time in the hair salon if we cut our fingers. Can't put a bandaid on it or it gets in the way of your shears. It works great.
Callie said…
Super glue was actually invented during WWII as a liquid bandage for wounded soldiers. After, they learned it worked well as an all purpose adhesive and marketed it that way. Pretty great stuff.
Callie said…
Nevermind, I'm a liar. That's an urban legend. I feel so....let down. :(
pam said…
I have found that the dry air here in the winter causes spontaneous cracks in my thumbs close to the nail. It is hard to get it to heal and it hurts. So I thank you for your super glue suggestion and will have to try it.
abby said…
pam didn't know. this blog post was not in vain.
Sarah said…
I get cracks down the middle of my thumbnails too. all the time. ouch.
Neil and Diana said…
ilts. I will definitely try the superglue remedy, which I have NEVER heard of.
MarySue said…
Ah Emily. Thanks for your comment on my nutty post. Just remember how much you both are loved.
Michelle @ Twig said…
Hi Emily,

Just saw your comment on my blog entering the giveaways and wanted to pop on over here and say hello! Had to of course browse around your blog and I'm finding a wealth of knowledge! Keep in touch.

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