

Didi said…
Oh how cute Emily! I haven't seen her since she was a baby and she certainly does look like a Craig! Is she really 2 already!? I suppose she would be. Thanks for the pics!
Emily said…
Thank you, Didi!
Nancy said…
Happy Birthday Norah! She looks so cute it the little pony tails. Maybe next year we'll be there for the party. Just maybe.
Courtney said…
Happy birthday! How can your three boys look different to me but Norah look like all three of them?
Christen Noelle said…
So adorable! She is already wearing turtle it is hot here!
pam said…
Thank you for the fun celebration of Norah's birthday. We had a great time and were glad you shared it with us.
Anonymous said…
So, so cute! I love Norah's pigtails. She's such a girly-girl. AG
The Fish Family said…
She is a doll! very cute :)
Sarah said…
Norah, you are darling! Happy Birthday!
Callie said…
I can't believe this little girl I have never met is already two! She is adorable, and the spitting image of Aaron, Isaac and Elliot? Somehow?
Carina said…
She such a big girl! It's making me sad, and I'm not even her mom!
austinmcraig said…
Cute gal, that one.

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