Maybe not the most responsible decision we've ever made

The world economy is in crisis. Our disposable money in the stock market (which really should not be there because we have pending plans for that money) is quickly being disposed of due to said crisis and falling markets. 

So what do Steve and I do? Book a tropical vacation for the family for the middle of January, that's what. Because who wants to be in Utah in January?

Our justification is thus:  a) Steve has to go anyway, so his ticket and hotel and rental car and food will be paid for.  b) It will be a giant Christmas present to give to the kids, therefore we will not buy them much of anything else.  c) Better spend the money before Wall Street blows it even more.  d) Who wants to be in Utah in January anyway?

Please do not tell our children. It is really going to be a Christmas surprise. 

I get so nervous after spending a lot of money. Yikes.


abby said…
i'm glad you did it! i think taking trips is a very responsible way to use your money. not one ounce frivolous.
Courtney said…
sounds fun to me! where is the exotic locale?
tessa said…
You got addicted from the last trip, eh? I'm sure you will be glad you spent the money in the long run. What memories. Take lots of pictures for the rest of us stuck on the contiguous 48:)
Anonymous said…
money well spent! the memories will be priceless. AG
Kristine said…
How exciting. I'm sure it will all be worth it come the middle of January!
Jennifer said…
We always choose to spend money on experiences rather than things, whether they be simple camping trips or--holy cow--Hawaii!! (Lucky dog!) We all need to truly enjoy family life once in awhile, not just slug through the constant responsibilites. Enjoy!
Anonymous said…
Travel is an amazing way to store memories in your mind forever!
Sarah said…
Oh wow! What an amazing trip for the family! The kids are going to flip! Good for you!
Christen Noelle said…
Emily it will be so fun and you will be creating wonderful memories! I miss you guys!

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