Starts with a V, ends with an intage

Tonight we went to look at a house, and came away the proud owners of this circa 70's luggage set. I'm especially fond of the carry case on top, which will forever after be my toiletry bag/carry-on bag.

How did it all go down? The owner of the house is a recent widow and has moved into a nursing home. Her children picked out a few of her belongings and left the rest to gather dust throughout the house. Someone will have to be hired to remove and clean out this house before the buyers move in. However, there was some cool stuff! I walked into the room where these suitcases were stacked up, and said, "Oh these are so great!" The realtor/neighbor/home teacher/trustee of the estate said, "Take them. They're yours." "Really, can I pay her for them?" I asked, trying to be respectable, but knowing he would refuse. "Not at all. Take them, and don't be embarrassed." Well, I wasn't embarrassed, and neither were the kids. They grabbed those suitcases right up and marched through the house with them, so proud of our new possessions.

As for the house, well, it's a definite possibility, although we will be poor if we buy it. It sits on a steep precipice overlooking Provo. And although I don't think the house is in danger of sliding off the cliff, a tall, impenetrable gate would be the first order of business. We'll see.


Anonymous said…
Wow. I wish I could follow you around when you look at these houses. AG
Andelin said…
I agree with AG, that would be a lot of fun. I didn't realize you took your boys along with you on these. What has been their opinions so far? Great luggage set!
Emily said…
Mom, I want you to know that every house we look at, I see things through your eyes. As in, that cliff/river/other dangerous feature of this house would make my mom nervous.

Bethany, we only took the boys tonight because the realtor told us to come over right away and he would show us the house. Elliot wants to live on the house on the river, but I think it's going to be way beyond our price range, even after the foreclosure.
abby said…
What a cool find! This house sounds intriguing. But, yeah, maybe I wouldn't come visit while the Great Wasatch Earthquake was going on.
Angela said…
Steve told me about this house today. Sounds cool. You'll have to let us know about the one you look at today.
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to say good luck with the house hunt -- it can be so stressful. Hope you find something that feels like a perfect fit -- even if it is a barn in Orem (wink!)
Carina said…
I love them!!
Sarah said…
I can't wait to see your new home! And the carry-on bag has such great shape and form.
The Fish Family said…
Love the bag! I am putting an offer out for $10-that is pure profit, think about it.... ;)

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