And here we have Idaho

Congratulations to Steve who is now certifiably licensed to practice law in the great state of Idaho. See it for yourself here. Apparently, my brother Ryan also took and passed the Idaho Bar, which explains his recent bout of overworkedness.

Hooray for Steve. Two states down, 48 to go!


Lyndzee said…
Does he really have to get certified in all 50 states or is it just one of his personal "I like to do this in my free time" goals?! Anyway, congrats!
Andelin said…
Hooray! Congratulations, Steve!
Anonymous said…
Congrats, Steve! Will you go to Idaho to celebrate? AG
Jord said…
Props to Steve. I'm not sure most people would like to pass a bar in even one state, so he's way ahead of the rest of us.
pepper said…
Is he taking Utah's bar? Or is there reciprocity between UT and AZ?
Anonymous said…
If we ever cross over the Idaho state line together, I could sing the state song for you. AG
Emily said…
Lyndzee, no he doesn't. It was just a joke.

Pepper, yes, he will take the UT bar in July. Fun times.
everydayjami said…
That's wonderful news!! Congrats, Steve!
Sarah said…
Nice work Steve! Did Ryan really take the Idaho bar just for kicks? Maybe he and Steve can support the justice system in Salmon some day.
The Fish Family said…
So exciting! Congrats to Steve! It was fun seeing you guys in AZ this weekend!
Emmie said…
Congratulations to your Steve!!

I'm thinking the title of your post came from this list? I love that list.
abby said…
I'm thinking Ryan Dean could pass the bar as easily as Ryan Kent did.
MarySue said…
Adding my congratulations to Steve. Forever outstanding.
Nancy said…
Congrats big brother, I think you're secretly trying to move your wife and kids to Boise, you know you always wanted to!

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