Random Stuff

Baseline Killer suspect in jail, except not for being the Baseline Killer. Just accused of one the attacks--a double rape. He looks so nice in his booking photo. That's so me to feel sorry for the dude (I don't really, but just kinda.) Like I can really hate a sports team and root against them an entire season, and then when they lose the big game in overtime and look so crestfallen and dejected walking off the court, I'm all, "Oh, that's so sad. Poor guys." ......... My car seat that I ordered came today, so I can have the baby now. .......... Baby really hurting my right rib cage. Why must they always go for the right? From experience I know it will have to stop hurting before I will give birth, like the baby drops or something. Oh, when? ............. Going to a dinner Saturday requiring 'Cocktail Dress' which means that all the women will be All Bronzed Up. Have nothing cocktaily that fits. Not about to buy something at this late stage in the pregnancy. Will wear simple black dress, and try to accessorize to dress it up. Not so good at the accessorizing. Will everyone know if I wear cheap jewelry? Do I even care? Also, feet are swollen. Will be interesting about which shoes I might be able to make fit. Will take 12 pairs in my luggage just in case. Oh yeah, it's an out-of-town dinner. Testing my fate with getting to the hospital on time in case I go into labor (PLEASE!!) .......... Need new carpet. I always procrastinate calling the repair/home-improvement guys. Don't know why. ........... My poor kids are so sunburned because I failed them last weekend at the lake in the sunscreen department. Bad mom. Peeling little urchin boys. Check-out guy at Target sure made a lot of judgmental comments about me and mine today: sunburn, huh? like to have your hands full, huh? I tried not to make any internal judgments about him, but it was hard. ............ Going tomorrow to buy J.U.N.K. from this company in a warehouse for the kids' school to sell at the annual Holiday Shoppe. Serious junk. The dregs of the junk. Feel okay about it because we're getting it dirt cheap (last year's clearance items) so kids won't blow as much of their parents' don't-have-it-anyway money buying Christmas presents as they would buying the full-priced junk. Last year Elliot bought me a mood ring. I still have it, but my fingers are too fat currently to wear it. Year before, a turtle necklace. He gets really excited when I wear it, which I do, because I love him so. ......... What do you think? Turtle on a chain necklace to the fancy cocktail party in Sedona? ........... Diana, will you come up and play Scrabble with me, without cheating, after I have the baby? Neil, will you bring Monopoly? ............ My friends are so great for getting me so much cute baby girl stuff. I love my friends. .............. Steve is so great for leaving a spotless kitchen for me this morning. I love Steve. ............. I also always procrastinate packing. Must be disciplined. Must go pack. .......... Abby, won't you comment? Do, or I'll out you as a lurker on cjane's blog, you lurker you. You too, Alice.


Anonymous said…
Have fun in Sedona...cjane has a lot of non-commenting lurkers...you probably do too...what kind of carseat did you get that you had to order it?...are you sure you aren't going to take the pink jeep tour this time?...you could always wear the long black skirt with something nice on top 'cause ain't no one going to see your ankles in that somewhat matronly garment. I mean that in a good-sort-of-black-dress-orchestra kind of way.
Anonymous said…
To quote Rocky, "I love yous too."
Neil and Diana said…
Without cheating?? Well, I never. This Sedona trip certainly will be an adventure. Please take thorough notes, and know of nearby hospitals in advance. I will play Scrabble with you any time, any place. When do you want us to come, bearing our respective boards & pieces?
Anonymous said…
I'm making a comment now so as not to feel lurkish.
Anonymous said…
so you've got a thing against lurkers, i take it?
AliceK[i]ND said…
I hope you bought a Sit-n-Stroll. I love my mine.

Black dresses rock.

Now I'm not a lurker. Feel better?
Anonymous said…
Good luck with the shoes. By the way, Dashiell got way too much sun for a 4 month old when we went to Sea World a couple weeks ago. Add me to your list of "fail their children at the sunscreen list".
~j. said…
How wonderful -- this is how my mind is working nowadays, too...only a month left...

I think anything with crystals would be appropriate in Sedona.
i hope you have your baby asap. i want you to have your baby asap. i know you want to have your baby asap
so have that baby asap
Suzie Petunia said…
You sound tired... or tired of being pregnant. Both? Just keep telling yourself how wondeful it will be to finally hold your little pink bundle of joy! You are reminding me of everything I have to look forward to in the next few months. I hope I will be as cute a pregnant lady as you. I'm sure you'll look smashing in your little black dress and cheap jewelry. (Is there any other kind??)

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