Not a chance

It's kind of nice to be inconvenienced by a tardy child, if for no other reason than I feel justified saying NO to things people ask me to do. It is uncharacteristic of me to say no. I operate according to the principles of obligation and guilt and service and the golden rule, so I seriously just don't say no very often. But this weekend? Ask me to teach Relief Society for you (someone seriously did). NO. Ask me to take your daughter to work tomorrow. NO. Ask me if I'm going to get all dolled up and go to the RS broadcast at the Stake Center. NO. (But I will listen to it on the internet, because obligation does run thickly through my veins.)

Furthermore, if you are a stranger in the grocery store, ask me to turn around so you can see my butt so you can determine if I am right that I really am having a girl, even though you think I'm having a boy by the shape of my pregnant torso, and you can usually tell just by looking. HEAVENS NO, I won't do it. Ask me to elaborate to you in the bathroom at Sprouts about how far dilated I am. Um, NO. Discussion of my cervix is stictly off limits to strangers.

No, no, no! It feels pretty good.

And now, I give unto you an opportunity to say no. If anyone would like to visit me post-baby, and bring a little something special, let me just put it out there that I have really been craving brownies. Mmmm, brownies. Please? I'll be your best friend.


Anonymous said…
Oh, how I wish I could just stop by and bring you your brownies.
amyegodfrey said…
What a way with words you have! I'm hoping the baby comes this weekend!
Neil and Diana said…
Neil and I will try to make it happen. I hope the boys are being your maidservants, for the time being at least.
AliceK[i]ND said…
If you lived closer I would bring you brownies. I make some pretty darn good ones, and they are whole wheat! (Don't tell anyone though.)
Abby said…
How about now? Is there a baby now? If you say "Yes" I will put brownies in the mail tomorrow. I am so excited for you!

And it is a very important thing to know how to say "no". I'm very proud of you. :)
Anonymous said…
brownies it is...hope that baby comes quickly. Nana's getting nervous and my girls are DYING to see little miss craig.
Emily said…
Thanks Pepper, Diana, Alice, Abby, and Sarah. You can all be my best friends.

What is Nana nervous about?
amyegodfrey said…
Nana wants to BE here for the blessed event, and to help with the boys. I'm no good to you in Philadelphia.
Bek said…
That is amazing....people are crazy. WHy are they asking you to take their kids to work..pregnant or not? eh? And the dialated thing...well that is just not anyones business...

I would make you brownies but I just make the packaged Ghiradelli ones.......but they are wicked good.

Good luck tomorrow!!!
I can't wait. I hope to hear some news really soon.
Suzie Petunia said…
Oh... I posted under my sister's profile... "Abby" was really me! Is there a baby yet? And, like, how far are you dialated? And if you're not in labor right now, could you do me a favor and...
Suzie Petunia said…
What? You haven't had time to post about your new arrival yet? Geez. What are you doing? Taking care of a newborn or somthing?... But seriously I can't wait to see more pics and hear all about her.
Bek said…
More pic's? The rest of us want to see ANY pic's.

Did everything go ok? What did they name her? (I am holding out for Norah....)..
The "Just Say NO" advertising blitz really did work. Wow.

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