Maybe I'll name her Sedona

I had a lovely, if slightly physically uncomfortable, weekend, thank you for asking. I pulled off the cocktail dress, I think. (Not literally. That would have been a little risque for this law firm crowd.) My shoes even fit. Hooray! The cheap jewelry looked smashing.

I splurged on the second best rated destination spa in the world, according to last year's Travel and Leisure Mag. Guess what? It wasn't worth it, but oh well, now I know. So, what special Sedona-ish treatment did I opt for, you ask? Was it the "Hands Off" guidance session connecting me spiritually to my baby's energy? Was it the $135 per hour journaling experience, in which someone coaches me in recording my inner ambitions and desires? The 60-minute Walk and Talk treatment? No, none of the above, although they were certainly available for the taking. No, I got the Arizona Sun Pedicure and Manicure combo. The 90-minute treatment that was more like 70 minutes. And no foot or hand massage. And lukewarm water to soak my feet in. And the ambience was lame, and the manicurist was extraordinarily chatty and a little vulgar, and the Asians do just as good a job, for a whole lot less money. But my fingernails are buffed, and my toenails looked good....for a few hours, until the right toe polish smudged. Alas.

Irregardless of the disappointing spa experience (I know it's not a word---don't hate me because I used a nonexistant word on purpose just to be obnoxious), Sedona was great: great weather, great meals, great company, great luxury at no cost to us.

I came home to learn that Norah, a top name contender, is my second son's name backward, if spelled slightly differently. Noraa. Thank you, Ryan. Everyone should run potential names for their kids past my brother before the actual naming occurs. He's very smart and will catch, for example, that Eliott, spelled as such, is an anagram for ''toilet". A critical discovery, if you ask me. A fortuitous catch.

I have been anxious for this child of mine to arrive, but now I'm just fine with waiting until at least Tuesday. A September 11th birthday would kind of be the pits.

Oh, and one more item of interest and excitement. I am a Den Leader. The day I've dreaded since the birth of my first son has arrived. I guess it's not so bad.


Anonymous said…
I don't think you should let the spelled backwards thing turn you off to Nora(a). That's kind of a fun little story to tell. Or better yet, maybe just see how many people throughout their lives will notice. Only Ryan...

Glad to hear Sedoner was great.
Anonymous said…
Just so I'm not always lurking...I am in Carson City with Whit. She had her baby on Saturday.
I am glad Sedona turned out alright. I like Nora/Norah/Noraa however you choose to spell it.
I thought to myself that your WORD was a little off, but then corrected my thought because Emily wouldn't use a non-word.
Anonymous said…
While Emily was getting the let-down spa treatment, I was taking the hellicopter tour of red-rockin Sedona. Very worth it. (Not just because it didn't cost me anything.) It is a thrilling and sigular thing to rise over the cliffs, then sink into the canyons.
AliceK[i]ND said…
"Sigular" isn't a word either, Steve.
Neil and Diana said…
Steve, that sounds really cool. Emily, maybe you could while away the days by singing songs to the little one about how ready you are for her to come out. Toilet and Haron could do backup!
Suzie Petunia said…
Sedona is a lovely name, but I agree you shouldn't be turned off by Norah. I think it is charming that it is ALMOST Aaron spelled backwards. :) Remember when I dyed my hair "sedona"? A lovely shade of orange...

I was really nervous Oscar would be born on Sept. 11. Luckily he came on the evening of the 10th... whew! I had a very patriotic name picked out... just in case.
Anonymous said…
I think Sedona is a really cute name, but, unfortunately, it is also the name of a minivan. Even more unfortunate is that it is a KIA MINIVAN!!!!

Oh well, I guess you'll always find some sort of problem with a name.

I can't wait to hear what you name her! What ever happened to Clara?
Sedona is also an anagram for Seandos which means 2 Seans if my Spanish translation serves me correctly.
Might wanna think dos about that name too.

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