So hard

I am so sad today because my friend Amy has lost a child. My heart is aching for her and her family, and I wish there was more that I could do to alleviate just a fraction of her pain. All I can do is mourn with her, and offer my love.


Emz said…
Ditto from me too. Thanks for writing this. I did the same today as well. My sister went through this at 33 weeks. So difficult. So hard to know what we as friends/family can do to really "help".
amyraye said…
thank you, emily. take care of your own little calvin and family.
abby said…
i feel the same.
lys said…
I don't even know this person and my heart is breaking. The slideshow of the family after the birth is so difficult to look at, but so beautiful at the same time.

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