Is my blog becoming a pictures-of-my-kids fest??

Calvin is a month old. (And he's wearing a cute onesie by Miss Angela Jane. Pants bequeathed by Charlie Bones, and blanket via the very kind Stephanie.)

PLUS! What we came up with an hour or so before trick-or-treating from the dress-up box, special thanks to Mrs. Pam Craig and her creative prowess from years past that made some of it possible. (Here is where I admit to the world that I don't have my children's costumes planned and sewn weeks, months, or even days in advance...But I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.)


amyegodfrey said…
You bet they do! I was hoping you would post the kids and their costumes tonight. Calvin is growing so fast! He's just beautiful. I'm glad you had a fun evening. I am so happy every time you post pictures. Thanks!!
Nancy said…
I'm pretty sure Norah had hers planned because she told me at least a week ago that she was going to be Tinkerbell and I said, you'd make a perfect Tinkerbell, and she sure does. And I can't believe how different Calvin looks from a month ago, he's looking more and more like Steve I'd say.
Sarah said…
I am impressed with your last-minute costume round-up. the kids look great! Calvin is too cute. Can't wait to see him!
amyraye said…
calvin is so much bigger and chubby. is he blonde? i always laugh at myself when i take so many pictures of my babies in those first weeks and months after they are born, thinking how adorable they are. and then they REALLY get adorable and newer pics put the older pics to shame. so fun to see the growth.
sounds like you're as eager to put halloween behind you as i was.
tessa said…
Can you really have too many pictures of adorable children? What cuties. We plan our costumes day of too. I scored a bunch of costumes 75% off halloween day so we had completely different ones that evening for trunk or teat. Keeps the holiday exciting, right?
Becky said…
I love this new trend of seeing pics of the kids!! Calvin is adorable and looks so sweet I wanna squeeze him! Great job on the last minute costumes. And doggoneit, people love you!
Wendy said…
I love the pirate pic! So artistic. Your kids are cute and look great. You obviously don't *need* to plan ahead.
pam said…
Glad to see the costumes reused. They look as good on your kids as on the originals. I'm happy to see that they sruvived to be used again. Halloween is such fun.
Neil and Diana said…
I love you, Emily. It looks like everyone had a merry Halloween!
Jord said…
Those are perfect costumes and I'm glad you don't waste precious time pulling them together.
brandi said…
he is so cute-look at those lips!
good work em, your kiddos look great.
Anonymous said…
Pretty nice place you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. BTW, why don't you change design :).

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