Why isn't there a bigger audience

for clean and quirky?

Pushing Daisies, I'll miss you. Go find Ed and keep him company.


Jen and her men said…
oooh, I'm so sad. I didn't know they were canceling it. I loved that show too. :(
Stephanie said…
I am so bummed. I hadn't heard that. I loved Ed too. What a pity that the world doesn't enjoy good clean fun enough to keep show like these on air!
abby said…
no. no. NO. i don't believe you.
Emily said…
The facts were these.
Sarah said…
I've had pushing daisies on my netflix queue for a long time. But I have yet to watch. Now I really need to after all of these sad responses. Must be good.
abby said…
i really had planned on watching that show until i was 32,850 days, 4 hours, 56 minutes, and 12 seconds old.
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed the first couple of episodes and appreciated the stylistic innovation for television, but somehow couldn't be bothered to watch more of it.

Of course, I said pretty much the same thing about Arrested Development when it was on, and now that it is gone I'd put it in the top five television shows ever.
Eliza said…
I will miss the pie maker. Although mostly I will miss Emerson Cod (he has all the best lines).

You can sign a petition online to keep it on the air. You never know, it could work.

I guess I will have to go back to the Harry Potter audiobooks to get my Jim Dale fix.
Heidi said…
Ed was and is my favorite show of all time. --Andrew
abby said…
you like ESPN magazine? would you like to see a movie with me? maybe Twilight? you are interested in rotavirus? come to my house today and behold it in all its smelly glory.
Suzie Petunia said…
I loved the clothes and the sets especially.
Maryeliz said…
Ohhh, I'm glad to find someone else who will miss Pushing Daisies. I'm smitten with Ned... but really I just adore the entire cast.
~j. said…
I'm in denial- Pushing Daisies is so beautiful.

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