Seeking guidance

What do you set the heat to at night? 

During the day?

Thank you.


Courtney said…
we are at 68 day and night. it feels fine during the day (except to my aunt who stayed here and thought the house was freezing) but feels a little cold when I go to bed and wake up.
Callie said…
I'm cold all the time, and our house has 4 levels, so I keep it at around 70 to be comfortable, sometimes a little lower during the day.
Nancy said…
Here in AZ we don't have to turn the heat on yet. Kinda nice.
amyegodfrey said…
In the daytime my preference is 70-72 depending on sunshine coming in, and at night I turn it down to 65. When there were small children in the house, nighttime was more like 68, providing they were wearing warm PJs. Like Nancy, we haven't touched our heat yet.
AmyJune said…
What's a heater?
Anonymous said…
68-70 during the day depending on which rooms I am in.
62-65 at night, warming to 70 for wakeup time!
gotta love the thermostats that let you program when you are gone.
Carina said…
60 at night (only we don't have a furnace right it's whatever the ambient heat is minus heat loss from the single pane windows) but I really turn the dial thermostat down all the way, theoretically allowing it to get to 57.

During the day we set it at 72-74 ish.

If I had my way, we'd have no heat at night, not one bit, and I'd sleep with the window open (yes, in the winter.) My wimpy Floridian husband would like the house to be 80 degrees around the clock. He's insane.

60 is a nice compromise.
Carina said…
p.s. we have a space heater for the kid's room, which gets inordinately cold no matter what temperature we asked our old and now dead furnace to provide.
lys said…
You are so cute, you little Arizona girl!
Jocelyn said…
We set it at 68 at night, it does feel a little chilly but I make sure they wear appropriate pajamas and Target sell the most wonderful warm and super soft blanket. It is party of their simply shabby chic line and you should get them for all your kids for Christmas!
Jen and her men said…
68 and 65, respectively.
we're scared of our unknown winter gas bill, and know very little about our insulation, so we're keeping it cold for now: 65 when home and awake, unless we have friends over, when we'll go up a few degrees to, say, 68-70; 60-62 when asleep. We have very hot cats and a ridiculously hot down comforter.
Carrie said…
66, day and night.
Our numbers seemed too cold to be true, comparatively! so I double checked our automatic thermostat; it's more like a range of 65 (asleep) -68 (awake and home). We'll re-program tonight to what I said to see if we can stand it!
cristie said…
68 during the day

off at night.
Rachel said…
I am the worst out of everyone. Daniel has always hated how hot I keep the house. I have mine set at 75! I hate when I am cold and even worse when I get my kids out of bed and their feet/hands/faces are cold.
Jord said…
I'm so sorry for you! Growing up my parents set it at 70 in the day and 65 at night.
Wendy said…
68 during the day. 69 at night.
Amy said…
Let's see, we already pre-paid $3500 for our oil, so we have to stretch that to April. We only have heat on the main floor (64), and it gravitates to the second (61) and third (brrrr). Electric blankets, sweaters & wool socks. Oh and when I'm at the computer I wear's freezing in here! PS: I Love Maine!
Suzie Petunia said…
You can change that thingy?
Sarah said…
72 all day, all night, all winter long. all 3 weeks of it.
Anonymous said…
I just bask in the coldness. Ryan uses a space heater in the bathroom in the morning because getting out of the shower is a little chilly. I layer my clothes when it gets cold and make my kids do the same. It's fun. As of yet, however, I am still opening windows and doors at night and in the morning just to keep the house cool enough that I don't have to turn on the A.C. And such is life in the desert. Did that give you the guidance that you were seeking or did it just give me an opportunity to talk about myself?
Mari said…
Daytime, 68 degrees. Night, I like it c-o-l-d and crisp! No heat but if the outside temp drops below 32 degrees, we keep it between 64-66. I am the first up in the morning and I DO turn on the blow dryer for a few minutes to warm up the bathroom. As soon as one is up and moving, the body warms up.
Heidi said…
No heater for us yet here in Vegas - I'm still running my A/C during the day, no joke. If I don't it gets up to like 83 in my house.
abby said…
i am shocked at everyone's cold tolerance.
Andelin said…
If I remember correctly, when we lived in Utah it was in the mid to high 60's during the day, high 50's to low 60's at night.

Occassionally, on a particularly chilly evening I'd spike it up to the low 70's, but it would soon start to seem too hot and back down it'd go. For some reason, in the winter evenings, right after the sun went down, it always seemed to get chillier even with the thermostat the same. It seemed to be the time when I'd catch a chill and want to spike it for a bit to make it a bit cozier while making dinner. I'd sometimes regret it though because then I'd feel like I was baking.

Now, in AZ, you know that it's such a different story, it's not worth discussing. But anyway that was the norm for us in UT during the winter. Hope that helps! ~Bethany

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