
While I've chosen to not maintain a sidebar list of blogs that I read, it is fun to periodically highlight a few that I do faithfully check in on. Here is one for the enjoyment of the world:

Becky -- My very cute, very intelligent, crafty, easily-frightened, knowledgeable, open-minded, accepting, meat-canning, self-help-book-loving, friendly, faithful sister-in-law. I think everyone who knows her adores her.


Andelin said…
You have so many family members that sound so fun! How blessed you are.
Nancy said…
yes Emily, how did you get so lucky with your in-laws? Just kidding, we do love our Becky.
Anonymous said…
And she still looks like a teenager! AG
Becky said…
Your warm and generous highlight is most thoughtful of you Miss Emily! I am most lucky to count you my Sister. We miss you guys!!

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