Zhu he, Abby and Jamie!

Welcome to the world, sweet baby Pearl!
We can't wait to meet you.


Anonymous said…
She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her!
she is so lovely and what a darling name! Hello Pearl!
Anonymous said…
Won't you come home Pearl Bailey?

She's adorable!
Nancy said…
I was a little confused at first and thought the baby's name was Zhu he, boy was I glad that it's something cute like Pearl! Congratulations Abby!
abby said…
Thanks Em and everyone! We are so happy she's finally here!

Nancy, that made me laugh!
Anonymous said…
Emily, how did you know to write "zhu he", and what does it mean?
Becky said…
Oh Abby, she is so lovely! So brand new. I wish I could just hold her for a moment. . .they grow up so quickly.
Neil and Diana said…
I just finished all 108. Nice conclusion (I think it's a conclusion). I love how your bros "slyly" moved from "rational" to "scientific." Speaking of no dichotomy.

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