For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; or, see? I can quote Romans 1:16 too

I'm going on vacation. If anyone wants something fun to read while I'm gone, go here and read the comments to see how many Baptists who are praying for my soul I've managed to accrue.


Anonymous said…
you called Brent close-minded for simply highlighting an interesting article? You have a fascinating habit of "quoting" him, yet actually putting violent words in his mouth he never uttered. And another one of putting the "Baptist" label on anyone bold enough to stand up for their faith and question the tenets of Mormonism. Emily, Baptists aren't the only ones concerned. Sorry to strip you of your prejudice.
Anonymous said…
And if you're tired of being "attacked" (which I think is a dramatic overstatement), consider not reading such "attacks."
abby said…
Jesus loves us all.
Emily said…
I think that's one less prayer on my behalf.
Anonymous said…
Abby, you are so non-confrontational. Quite the opposite of Emily. Both good though.
Emily said…
Really? You think I'm staight-up confrontational? I wouldn't have called myself that, this little discussion notwithstanding.
Anonymous said…
Just more so than some, maybe all, in this family. It's a good thing.
abby said…
To be honest, my first instinct was to say something very different.
Chelle said…
Since I took the time to read most of the dialogue over there, I had to at least comment and say I admire the strength of your beliefs, Emily. And I admire the strength of Brent's beliefs, too.

And that is where I'm at right now. Admiring and deeply respecting both sides, and not convinced that either has a lock on "the one and only way back to God". It's a unique perspective, to read through the dialogue and come to the end more convinced of only one thing: that I just don't know right now about all of that.

But what I do know is that you've got gumption Emily (meaning courage, spunk and guts!). And I admire that. Hope you are having a great vacation in Chicago.
Emily said…
Chelle, I am most impressed that you made it through even most of that dialogue. Quite an uproar I started, eh?

I admire you for your honesty and hope you have peace and get the answers you need.

By the way, I think the whole reason the conversation on Brent's blog started is because I was irritated that he thinks he has such a hold on "the one and only way back to God." I certainly don't think the Mormons have that. I think our theology is much more inclusive in nature, which I really love.

Thanks for your comment!

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