The Year of the Road Trip?

'Thas (which should be a word) become a tradition in our family to open as the last gift on Christmas the destination for the following year's main family vacation.

2009 destination: Oahu
2010 destination: Disneyland
2011 destination: San Francisco, with Nana and Papa to accompany

We will drive and perhaps take our time getting there. Neither Steve nor I have driven west on I-80 and we plan to see Reno, and of course have the obligatory car breakdown in Winnemucca. (Isn't that required? Other types of breakdowns, i.e. emotional or mental, optional.) Google Map's 12 hours and 28 minutes + bathroom stops + cleaning up vomit stops + lengthy restaurant stops + where's the nearest Redbox stops will surely = 16 hours on the road (not counting overnight stay and aforementioned obligatory car repairs).

We will return home to Provo, possibly host a 4th of July party (you're invited if we do), catch up on life, then get back in the car and drive to the Oregon Coast. Google Maps is giving me an optimistic 15 hours and 12 minutes, which of course in Craig time is 20 hours +. I love to travel, love to go to new places and explore new parts of the world, but I am already a tad car-weary.

Plus, just because I like to break the monotony of January/February and because we have a nephew getting baptized, I'm contemplating a trip to Phoenix in the next couple of weeks.

Road trip extravaganzas, I tell you.

Any fabulous ideas for what to do:

  • in San Fran with children?
  • in Lincoln City, OR
  • en route to either location?
I'm thinking we will need to take the scenic route to the Oregon Coast and go through Kennewick, Washington to show my family the little house 713 S. Garfield, 99336, where I grew up, and perhaps the Pik-a-Pop on the corner, the Taco Johns where Neil was to serve his mission, the bowling alley where Ryan played pinball games past his non-curfew and gave Amye the ND. So, also, any fabulous ideas for visiting Kennewick, WA?


Courtney said…
I'm just hoping gas isn't really $5/ gallon this summer or it's really going to add to Jeff's breakdowns on our road trips this summer!
Courtney said…
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Sarah said…
You must visit Jen in Kennewick and the temple and Columbia Center and The Columbia River.

Also, do come to AZ.
abby said…
the last paragraph made me pee.

i think you should go to musee mechanique in SF. and also the ward with the opera singer.
Carrie said…
Ah, I miss San Francisco. The playgrounds at Golden Gate Park are fun for the kids. The California Academy of Sciences is cool, too. Go to Tartine and have a banana cream pie for me. Our kids also love the Sea Lion Caves on the Oregon coast. When you drive through Portland wave hello.
Carrie said…
I forgot, the cement slides in San Francisco are crazy fun.
Becky said…
Oh you are going to have the best, best summer!

We are feeling the road trip pull too. 4th of July in Utah, then onto Oregon Coast, back to AZ then Wyoming for Bagley reunion the first of August! We may have to re-think the back to AZ part and just relocate entirely!!
Nancy said…
are you guys making your usual trip to Disneyland this year? I'm kind of wanting to take the kids in April, want to go? We're excited about Oregon.
whit said…
Too bad we have moved from Reno. You could have stayed with us. You can get an Awful, Awful at the Little Nugget. It is a big hamburger with a pound of fries. It is pretty tasty. It is right down town so you can walk along the Truckee river. Get my info through pepper if you have any questions about Reno.
Emily said…
Thank you, Whitney!

Nancy, sounds fun. I don't know if it will be in the budget, but let's talk again.
pam said…
Sounds fun to me. I love road trips. This generation is lucky to be able to entertain the kids with DVDs along the way.
tessa said…
My parents live in the city and have entertained us when we venture over there. I asked my Dad for his recommendations for a family your size and this was the list. With that diverse an age span here are some ideas:
1. Academy of Science. It is worth the wait. Great for all ages. It is located in Golden Gate Park.
2. Watching the waves at Seal Rock.
3. Poking around Fisherman's wharf and maybe eating at the Rainforest Cafe.
4. Chinatown
5. Cable car ride and cable car museum (free)
6. Helmond's Restaurant on Van Ness and Green - Afgan food - owner is the brother of President of Afganistan.
7. Walk across Golden Gate Bridge (don't have to go the whole way)
8. San Francisco Ballet starts Jan 29 - one of the best companies in the world.
9. Poke around the stores in Union Square.
Also, one of my favorite places was "Crepes a go go" on Polk Street. The cross street would be about Post Street. You guys will have a great time in that fun city. We're big car trippers too with the summer off:)
Anonymous said…
Tessa, I love your ideas! Tell your dad thanks. As for walking across the bridge, we've done that twice and continued walking on into Sausalito, then rode the ferry back. Not sure that's safe for the kids walking on that highway, but it's a great adventure. Emily, I want to go to Kennewick with you! Maybe someday. AG
Emily said…
So awesome, Tessa! Many thanks to you and your dad. We will surely use many of these ideas.
Jennifer said…
Don't even joke about coming to Kennewick, Emily.
A woman's heart can only take so much.
Jaimy said…
Emily - there is way too much to do in Kennewick. Better plan at least 45 minutes there :) Just kidding - I still love it there. Go see Jen and her beautiful new home. I'll be jealous!

I love reading your blog and seeing your family!
Jord said…
What a great idea to open up the vacation destination on Christmas! I may just have to borrow that tradition in the future. SF is wonderful. Our girls loved the cable car and seals on the pier and got a souvineer SF shirt to boot. Now if they'll just stop wearing them every day. Have a lovely trip!

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