Calvo is one

Note: While I hesitate to post this photo for fear that the possibility of a child getting his head stuck in the rails might give my mother a bad case of the ND, I just can't resist. Sorry, AG.

We call him: Calver, Calvino, Cal, Calvie, Little Dude, Pumpkin Nose

His latest tricks: picking his nose, shaking his head fervently when anyone asks him a question, going up and down the stairs with great finesse, lifting up the toilet seat and splashing around

We love his: irresistible toothy grins, sweet sweet hugs, goodbye waves, open-mouthed kisses

He likes to eat: crackers, rice cereal, fruits, pasta, olives, beans, whatever we are eating
He promptly deposits on the floor: Cheerios

He is getting better at: letting people hold him, not crying for the babysitter

The cake that we made for his family birthday gathering which ultimately had to be canceled due to vomitous children in the house was: maybe the best cake I've ever made, really delicious and we're sorry we couldn't have you here to share it

Thanks for joining our family, sweet baby. We love you!


abby said…
the ND. i like that. it's more blog appropriate than spelling out d-i-a-r-r-h-e-a.

i love you calvin. someday i'll be your favorite aunt. i can't wait. wish i'd tasted that cake. (what flavor?)
amyraye said…
happy birthday to your calvin. i thought of you on the 30th (i think that's his actual birthday?) and forgot to e-mail you. when he was born, i never imagined our boys would be so close in age together. i always have to remind myself that they are only 2 weeks apart. very strange to me.
love his blonde hair and that he alreaady has a fascination for the toilet.
Sarah said…
that picture makes me a little nervous too. he sure is cute and so grown up! almost walking right? can't wait for the toilet splashing party at thanksgiving with all the babies.
Nancy said…
Happy Birthday Calvin! Can't wait to see everyone Sunday, hopefully no more sick kids. I'll email you with the details. Oh and I want to invite Abby too.
amyegodfrey said…
Well, at least there were adults around to turn his body and pull him through the rails if he got his head stuck. I learned that trick from Elliot, in a moment of panic. What a sweet and cute little fella!
Jennifer said…
He is darling and all of your kids look so much alike--so distinctively Godfrey, yet alot like your husband, too. (Gee, isn't that profound??) Emily, you amaze me with the effortless way you seem to handle five little children. Always looks like fun at your house! Guess I have to look no further than Amye to see where you get your talent. :)
Anonymous said…
Jenny, I know for sure if I ever need affirmation or validation when life is stinky, I can count on you! You make me smile. By the way, life is not stinky right now. I'm enjoying Ryan, Jessica and Alice in Philadelphia! AG
Christen Noelle said…
Em, he is adorable...he looks like a Craig! Hope to see you this month on your trip down :)

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