Delightful surprise gifts in the mail

are my very favorite.

Thank you to my anonymous, thoughtful friend, whomever you are*. You truly know me, and you made my day.

*Until I hear otherwise, I will operate under the assumption that it was Cerise the beautiful because she is generous and well-read and the reason I read Mountains Beyond Mountains and I love her so.


Emily said…
Hmmm, I suppose that is a thing about anonymous gifts: there is always a chance that someone else will get the credit. Upon a little further reflection, I decided it could easily also be Alyssa or Catherine or Jessica/Ryan or Jami or Diana or....

Irr-un-regardless, I'm looking forward to reading it! Thank you.
Anonymous said…
or natalie...
but it wasn't. but i wish it were. because i really thought about it. my intentions are so awesome! even awesomer (another clue it wasn't me because people who say awesomer aren't typically considered 'well read') is the fact that a lovely person did that for you. what a testament to how much you are loved!
Emily said…
Exactly! Or Natalie. It totally could have been you (even if it wasn't)!
Sarah said…
I'm interested to see if it's good. Let us know.
Neil and Diana said…
It was me -- perhaps the note that was supposed to accompany the book wasn't actually there!
Emily said…
(Neil and) Diana! I love you!
abby said…
diana you are so coolio!
cerise said…
If only it was me that sent it to you. What a beautiful thing to write about me, it made me cry. Thank you.
I have been in need of a good read, someone gave me Eat,Pray&Love, I just can not get into it. I am going to purchase this book today. hope its as inspiring as the last. speaking of inspiring, Emily you are an inspiration to me.
pam said…
This reminds me, I hope you found the package that showed up at your door last week while I was there.

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