Howard Jones had a song

Question: Would these skirts catch your eye if you found them at JCPenney? Kohls? Talbots? Eddie Bauer? I was going to say no way, I would not think these were especially great at any of those stores and is Anthropologie duping us all but then I remembered that Anthropologie clothes feel better almost like there's a quality thing happening there and that I'm wearing my forever-old, green Anthro skirt with bleach stains on the back today and it has made me feel pretty(ish) in spite of the cold sore smackdown happening all over my face* and thus I have concluded that I need more clothes. *not kidding about that it is a pathetic manifestation of how broken down my body has been due to my year-and-a-half steady stream of pregnancychildbirthbackpainstrepthroatweaninghormonalchanges [that's a thing]