Some other photographic gems of the last few months

Cool people who came to Calvin's baby blessing. Gold star to my fabulous Aunt Paula for attending three hours of church!

Our new dining table. We need new chairs. Looking for funky, or yellow, or mismatched, or plastic, or something not brown wood.

The wall of pictures of people I love makes me very happy at Christmastime. Add us to your Christmas card list and send us your picture so I can be happy when I walk by this wall and think about how much I love you.

Milo is fly.

Norah, all bronzed up! She's available for makeup consulting, if you maybe need a few pointers.


Carina said…
Those Norah pictures are priceless! So funny.
abby said…
do you know how much i love when you post pictures? especially of norah looking so awesome?
Emz said…
I need Norah's first available aptmt please.
lys said…
I love you, Emily. (In reality I have a million comments about these pictures, but that's the best way to sum them up.)
AmyJune said…
yes I'd like the makeup consulting.
Jen and her men said…
clear plastic chairs would look cool with that chandelier...

love the pic of norah :)
Sarah said…
i love

the family picture. wish we could have been there

the table.

that norah was wearing makeup and not bruises.
tessa said…
Norah was scary at first and so funny at last. I'm afraid to say my boys are better at putting on make up (be that good or bad) unless of course she was going for the "Rocky" look:) Your table is gorgeous. I've no idea where I stumbled on this blog but she has some great easy tutorials for painting/glazing dining chairs. This post was specifically yellow.
pepper said…
Emily, why isn't my families card up on your wall?
Nancy said…
Emily you should check the D.I. for chairs if you want funky and mismatched, then we could recover them with some fun fabric too, I'll help you! And maybe Norah Jones could help me with my makeup,wish I looked that cute with smokey eyes!
pam said…
Maybe Norah could share her eyeshadow with me. Saw some great chrome 50's chairs a couple of days ago at an antique store. They would be great to recover, but there were only 3 of them.
amyegodfrey said…
Oh, my, Norah! I'm glad you captured that on film, Emily. The table is going to be of great service to your family and friends. The Christmas family photo is very good! Great memories.
amyegodfrey said…
I love the profile picture of you leading the Primary singing!
What super cute moments. Love that make up job. Amazing.
Rob & Sarah said…
a great post. your family looks so happy! and your (new?) profile pic reminds me of your wonderful music leading abilities! i had to do my first sharing time last week, and i was really wishing i was as creative as you! p.s. we're starting up the cute mailbox idea in my ward, and i'm wondering what song is it that they play during that?? do you know?
Emily said…
Sarah, are you in the Primary presidency? It's the last song in the book, in the prelude section.
Anonymous said…
i thought norah got attacked by a crazed animal or one of the 75 cousins pictured above. glad it is makeup.

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