C. Bake

Two months.

Too big for his britches.

To infinity, and beyond.


Anonymous said…
Oh, Calvin, you are soooooo adorable. I love you and miss you. Nana
Courtney said…
seriously cute!
Jenna Eve said…
Loving all the pictures lately. SO handsome.
AmyJune said…
I'm so glad you posted a picture of that cutie. Aren't baby boys the best!!!!
Emz said…
OMGosh - it's been 2 months already?! crazy. you've got your hands full!
Angela said…
Don't you mean C. Cook? :)
Nancy said…
He is getting so big, and so cute!
Heidi said…
Such a cutie - where did those two months go?
pam said…
It is amazing how fast he has grown. Time goes by so quickly when children are little and before you know it, they are all grown up!
Jord said…
Oh, that is so cute! Can I make a claim on him for my Ada?
Suzie Petunia said…
Those cheeks look so squishy and kissable! What a doll he is! He certainly looks like a member of your handsome family. I can't wait to meet him.

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