
Isaac turned six this month. He's a cool kid. Yesterday, after a lifetime of crying every time he was required to clean his room or do a chore, he announced that he loves to help clean, and spent the afternoon -- a couple of hours, at least -- asking, "What can I do to help?", then doing it with a smile and coming back for more assignments. A freak occurrence? Perhaps, but I'm going to be reminding him of it with great frequency.

He's smart, and I am enjoying that he is the oldest in his kindergarten class because I think school will come easier to him and he will have an opportunity to be a leader. He also seems to have natural athleticism; and his long fingers are helping him right along with plucking out his C's and D's on the piano. Three lessons, and well on his way to concert halls.

I tell people that Isaac is spacey, but I don't know if that is accurate. I think he is the third child -- yea, third boy -- in our family and thus accustomed to less attention from his parents and more negative attention from his older sibs, so he has kind of learned to survive on the periphery, learned to act like a monkey. But he is observant, and he's bright. Might I add that I am a third child and since this little kiddo was born, I have felt a kinship with him (that goes beyond being his mom, which I concede is already a pretty strong kinship, but hear me out) because we have that middle/third child connection. I know.

Anyway, I love this boy. He brings me a lot of happiness.

Also, I am no good at taking pictures. There are lots of things I am not good at, and that is one of them. Laundry is another thing.

Also, this picture of my dad is just because it was on my desktop for some unknown reason, and because I love my dad and his scowls. So why not add it to this post?

Also, my baby was breech and not turning around. But! today the doctor thought the head was down, and I have no idea how that happened because I felt nothing. However, I'm not that surprised that he turned, and I attribute it one hundred percent to the faith of my husband and everyone else who may have offered up prayers on our behalf. I'm having an ultrasound tomorrow to verify baby's position, and if it turns out the doctor was wrong and the babe is still breech, then I still think my husband has faith. And he'll channel it for a safe c-section.

Also, I've never seen an episode of Perry Mason, I'm almost certain. It's on in the background, and they use big words. I like big words. I must learn more of them.


amyraye said…
it makes me happy when you blog. :)
Carina said…
I was thinking I was incredibly rude talking to you about the baby being breech the other day. I apologize.I am silly and stubborn sometimes.

And I'm happy that he turned himself around!
Emily said…
Thanks, Amy.

Az, I value your opinions and agree with many of them. I wasn't offended. You didn't say a dang thing about the formula cans I accepted, and I thought that was generous of you.
Nancy said…
Happy Birthday Isaac! You only have middle child syndrome if you think you do, I'm also third born and have never felt slighted! I know you think otherwise, but that's just how I feel.
I miss your blog! seriously. I check it every day. I hope Isaac keeps up the helpful streak (though being a monkey has its perks too) and I hope the baby has turned.
Sarah said…
I hope Mr. October has turned, and stays in position for the best delivery of your life. If not, thank goodness for modern medicine.
CK said…
sounds like your a lucky mom and he is a lucky boy!!
AmyJune said…
Maybe he was listening to the primary song "SInging a song is fun to do, fun to do to do to do" Anyway, I always laugh when they get to the verse that says "cleaning my room is fun to do fun to do to do to do" Must have been a mother who wrote that one.
abby said…
good post, good scowl. good baby craig.
Angela said…
Hooray for Isaac and hooray for (maybe) turned baby!
Unknown said…
They must be learning something in kindergarten. Will has been a lot more helpful and a lot less whiny lately. Fingers crossed that your baby has turned!
everydayjami said…
Yay for Isaac! Yay for the baby! They are both so lucky to have you for a mom! Jack is my third child and I have to tell you, he brings me so much happiness each and every day. I love the third!
pam said…
Isaac is a great kid! And I have watched many episodes of Perry Mason over the years. Even just a couple of nights ago, I watched one and still loved it.

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