Fanny Dooley likes Aaron. Why do you think that is? (It's because everyone likes Aaron)

Where would our family be without my No. 2, my 8-year-old Aaron? He breathes heart and soul into our household. Tall stature is not in Aaron's future, but oh, his personality is large. He can be the orneriest (that ought to be a word) of ornery and he can be the sweetest of sweet. He is rowdy, yet contemplative; confident, talk talk talkative, adventurous. His pain tolerance is low, so very, very low, and he can howl like no other when he gets hurt. He is not afraid of a challenge, such as always wanting to play piano songs above his skill level or taking on the big and tough 4th-graders at tetherball. He is a natural leader; terrificly goofy; his moods and willingness/unwillingness to be nice frequently set the tone among his siblings. Aaron has a pure heart and a tender testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is forgiving of his mom's shortcomings, and won't even mind one bit that it took me two months after his birthday to post this on my blog. I love this spirited child of mine.


amyegodfrey said…
How you have captured Aaron! His personality is larger than life. I remember the time he talked non-stop to Paula and Bob in the back of my van for 45 minutes. I love how one of his best friends is the BYU professor next door. He tells funny stories, great jokes, and has a heart of gold. This grandmother loves and adores him.
lys said…
My husband is one of his biggest fans. They totally bonded at the Mumford swim party.
Emily said…
I hadn't realized that, Alyssa, but I'm not surprised. That makes me happy. Are you having fun in NY?
Steve said…
Sarah said…
We are big Aaron fans around here too. Grace thinks she and he were separated at birth.
pam said…
Amye, speaking of Aaron talking non stop in the back of your van, remember how he kept you and me cracking up all the way from the south end of Gran Canaria to the mission home in Santa Brigida, and that was several years ago. His gift of gab and other gifts keep incrreasing. He's lucky too that his neithbor shares the raspberries so freely.
abby said…
aaron really is awesome. i love how patient and sweet he is with my kids. i love his devotion to the death machine. i love his nonstop questions. we're going to miss that boy.
Aaron said…
Thanks, everyone.

And Grandma, not just the raspberries: the peaches, the blackberries, the strawberries, the pears, and tomatoes!
Martie said…
I can hear the love you have for Aaron in your "voice". I love that he can see a public display of your affection and admiration. I think Aaron is very blessed.

mom of 9

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