
I'm the mother of a ten-year-old.

A handsome
easily distracted
meat- and carbs-loving

Elliot had a birthday a few weeks ago. I love this kid to death. I'm probably too hard on him, and sometimes we fight for control (I know I ought to let him grow up, but it's so hard!), but deep down Elliot and I really "get" each other. I love to share inside jokes with him. I love to watch him develop his talents and succeed. I am so grateful for the help he gives me and for the kindness he shows his younger siblings.

It's sad to think about him being on the downward slope of his childhood.


Courtney said…
happy birthday elliot - 10 sounds so old. i think the being too hard on them is the fate of being the first born. i always say seth deserves extra inheritance for having to suffer through all of our parenting mistakes.
abby said…
what a great post. i love that kid so much.
amyegodfrey said…
That was perfect, Emily. Elliot is all of that and more. He's a fantastic young man and I love and adore him.
Sarah said…
we can't wait to see you this summer elliot! happy birthday. emily, it's a slippery slope for sure.
Angela said…
One time I came over to your house, because you were giving me a ride somewhere. I was waiting on the couch and Elliot came in asked me if I would like a glass of water. So thoughtful, that boy! Happy Birthday!
pam said…
It's great to live close and get to see Elliot and the other children often. I see all the talents you mentioned and more. Sorry he's growing up too fast. Enjoy it while you can.
Nancy said…
Happy Birthday Elliot! I always think of Elliot as being as old as "me and Travis" It was right after Elliot's birth that we started dating, so he's the physical evidence of how long we've been together.
MarySue said…
What a wonderful boy!!! Aren't you blessed.

Now...how is your back???
Rachel said…
I have that same power struggle with Sierra. I just hate the thought that she is growing up and I need to allow her a little more freedom.
Emily said…
MarySue, my back is completely healed. Thanks for asking!
Callie said…
It's hard to believe this young man was 4 when I first met him!! He is growing in to such a handsome young man, and I am with you...double digits is exciting, but a little hard to swallow as a mom.
Becky said…
Hoorah for Elliot! I love that kid! And thanks for letting Jacob stay with you for the weekend. . . he adores his cousins :)
(You can sing this comment to the tune of Sunrise/Sunset if you're feeling sentimental).

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