Change is good

I like this time of year.

The weather is fantastic: I can drive with windows down, read outside, not turn on heat or a/c.
The teachers have stopped assigning homework.
I have vacations to look forward to.
I have time and inclination to nap every day.

Tomorrow I find out the gender and general health of my current fetal child.


Sarah said…
very subtle emily.

Funny how this is the time of year we sort of dread down here.
Emily said…
Despite what you think, this was not a commentary on not living in AZ anymore. I just like the change that end of the school year brings, and it happens to be pleasant up here right now. We are not above visiting AZ in July. In fact, we're quite looking forward to it.
Kalli said…
you sly little bunny...

gestating a human baby is good times, good times. I'm excited for you!
Sarah said…
The subtle comment was not directed at the weather. It was directed at the unveiling of your bebe.
lys said…
FINALLY! I've been waiting for you to "go public" about numero cinco. Glad we can talk openly about him/her. (I think it's a her, by the way. . .)
MarySue said…
Very happy for you and a tad envious that one of your vacations will involve my darlings in PA. Have a grand time.
amyegodfrey said…
Norah is soooo darling! I love her hair.
~j. said…
Wow. Do let us know what you find out.
Jenna Eve said…
Oh man that is so exciting! Please post when you find out the sex. Utah sounds nice right now.
Andelin said…
What a cute girl! I wish I had a chance to know her better. I know she talks now, but I can't imagine it. Your cute kids always make me smile! :-)

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