we are not pigs

I'm going to teach my kids to be clean(er) if it takes everything I've got.

I'm also going to throw things away with zeal and vigor.

I'm so sick of stuff everywhere.

How do all you, my clean friends and family members, do it?

I salute you.


tessa said…
After the kids go to bed we have dejunking parties. 2 bags - one is for rotating of toys, one is for DI. We do it with our own big people stuff too but somehow the toys and kid stuff really is what gets out of control quick. The rotation bag goes up into the closet for a couple months. The DI bag off to DI. No child has ever missed a toy the next morning. A surefire sign that there were too many. I do the same with clothes. Some into hand me down bins and I sell a lot of the others. Also, the kids have clothes lines with clothes pins in their rooms where they hang their artwork and papers etc. I'll be interested to see what other suggestions you get. I'm always looking for decluttering tips. Have you read Don Aslett's Clutter's Last Stand? He's hilarious, informative and inspiring.
Anonymous said…
Don Aslett came to Kennewick, WA to do a RS seminar when we lived there 25 years ago. He's good!
I think it takes getting mad, so you're off to a good start. AG
amyraye said…
for you:
CK said…
My kids have alwaya had two rules:

1.)You can't get another toy out until the previous one has been put up.


2.)No one gets a bedtime story until the toys have all been put away.

Now if I could just figure out away to keep Jesse's clutter under control. My biggest frustrations come from his needless piles of stuff.
Sarah said…
Mark is my secret weapon. Every Saturday he offers to help me "tackle" a room. That means spend the better part of the day contributing to the D.I. pile. I have to be careful about this arrangement because I'm more particular about what gets thrown out, so I end up finishing the room solo.
everydayjami said…
Hi Emily,
A long time ago in a galaxy far away... my kids had lots of toys, puzzles, books etc... The best thing you can do to keep your sanity is get a large plastic container or two and put most of their toys in the containers. Just keep a few out, then when they're bored of the current toys, bring out the old ones. They think they've won the lottery because they forget about what they don't see every day and they'll be excited to play with the new/old toys. Miss you...
Amy said…
In November when the kids were getting crazy with Christmas wishes, we made them write a list of everything they got last Christmas. They could only remember 2 or 3 things. We used that as our buying guide for this year. We're going to do the same thing for their birthdays.
Heidi said…
I'm no expect in this field so I don't have much advice but curious to see what everyone else has to say. I think it's amazing how kids toys seem to multiply - I definitely need to do some dejunking as well.
austinmcraig said…
I think that's probably something that's learned over time. Keep teachin'.

Then again, what do I know. I'm single, childless, and essentially the youngest sibling.

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