On gratitude

Today Norah vomited prolifically at church. BUT, it didn't happen in the chapel, nor was it on the old man sitting next to us whose daughter told us he doesn't like to sit by children. Whew.

Today, Steve got stung by a wasp that lives with its entire colony in our swamp cooler. BUT, he hasn't gone into anaphylaxis yet, which makes me think he's not allergic.

Today, we have a colony of wasps in our swamp cooler. BUT, our A/C works.

Today, I went to find a document on the computer and discovered that our document folder has been annihilated, somehow. BUT, now I get to do thoughtful researching and talk preparing, rather than borrow from a lesson I've previously given.

Today, the kids spent most of the morning crying because they lost the privilege to play Lego Star Wars when they chose not to clean up their messes in time. BUT, now their brains won't rot. For today only.

There are always things to be grateful for, no?


pepper said…
There are ALWAYS things to be grateful for. This was good for me today.
abby said…
nice list. is your lesson going to be on gratitude?
Anonymous said…
I hadn't noticed the wasps. Are you getting an exterminator? I hope Norah's feeling better. AG
AmyJune said…
I hope little Norah is feeling better.
Anonymous said…
So I didn't get to go to Sunday School, but Norah and I had a nice little Sunday School at home -- she slept in her crib, and I studied my scriptures, with our new great view in the background. Something to be grateful for.
Sarah said…
Uh oh, sounnds like Norah caught Jonah's bug! Thanks for being a gracious host, even though we shared our germs.
Nancy said…
that is a good way to get noticed in a new ward!
austinmcraig said…
Hope Norah is feeling better. Way to be positive. Who took the picture?
Heidi said…
We're grateful for nice friends that let us stop by - it was great seeing you guys on Saturday! Thanks again...
poor Norah. Your gratitude is inspiring --
Jennifer said…
You are such a better person that I am. I would not be blogging about gratitude on a day like that. You are admired!
Emily said…
My gratitude was sort of tongue-in-cheek, but thanks anyway!
Neil and Diana said…
Emily, I admire and respect you.
Kristine said…
What an amazing attitude! You're right, though. It all depends on how you look at it, I guess. Nate's taught me that pretty much every day of our marriage.

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