Someone's been having fun with Photoshop

Steve stayed up last night to play around on his computer, and I woke up this morning to this beauty as my wallpaper.


Sarah said…
Oh, that's disturbingly funny! I paid money to learn how do manipulate heads like that. And Steve mastered it in one night!
Jenna Eve said…
That is soooo funny. luke has been wearing a bunch of clothes that you bought him for his shower. Thanks for making him look stinkin cute.
abby said…
hah! i think lil' steve is the funniest one.
Nancy said…
that is too funny, I'm especially loving Elliot as Emily.
Sarah said…
Little Steve and Little Emily are the best!
AliceK[i]ND said…
I'm about to wet my pants laughing!
Jord said…
That is so hilarious! Steve's got talent. It was so good to see you on my trip and I loved getting a tour of the new place. Thanks for sharing your time with me.
go boo boo said…
that is creepy.
Wendy said…
Love it!

How's the house hunting going? Did you cancel the offer on the house you didn't really want, so you could offer on the newly found one?
pam said…
This is what happens when you stay up too late doing anything. But it is so funny!
AmyJune said…
I just want to stare at that and stare at that and stare at that some more. So funny, especially you and Steve. Thanks for the amusement, you know I love things like that.
amyegodfrey said…
Very, very funny! I love Steve's creativity. I'll bet the kids got a kick out of it.
Lyndzee said…
Very creepy. BTW, I am very jealous Jord got to hang out with you in Utah. Did you end up buying the house you showed her?
Neil and Diana said…
A coworker just showed me the child-dad Web site last night! Nice, Steve. Nice.
Anonymous said…
Funny! And kind of creepy.
Suzie Petunia said…
My favorite is your little head on the little body. :) Very funny!
lys said…
Thanks for starting my day with a smile, Steve!
The Fish Family said…
I had to take a double look!! SO SO funny! That should be your christmas card for 2008!!
Anonymous said…
You may be interested in the similarly themed but multiply horrifying
Anonymous said…
Maddie said...

SO FUNNY! And creepy, I love it! We just got a thing where you can do that. It's fun.

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