My woes

First, I twisted my ankle (right) many, many weeks ago at Oak Creek with Alice and Sarah. You may remember -- I've whined about it here before. It hurt for a minute, then it felt all kinds of better, then I drove home and it was excruciatingly painful and I feared for my accelerating/braking abilities on the curvy mountain roads; then I got home and couldn't put any pressure on it, so I hopped around on the other foot (left) until my husband ordered me to bed and called everyone we know looking for crutches to borrow; then I took 3 ibuprofins (can that be pluralized?) and fell asleep and it was completely healed the next morning, and everyone at church was all, "Needed crutches, did you? Huh."

Well. Soon thereafter my other ankle (left) began to hurt, but I have no idea how or when I could have injured it. It has had a dull, annoying soreness for about 6 weeks or so. It hurts especially at night, all night long and in the morning, and then I will walk it out and it doesn't hurt anymore. I googled the symptoms and it seems to me I have gout, but my husband laughs at me and says I don't drink nearly enough red wine or eat enough red meat or weigh enough to have gout, but I'm not so sure. Anyway, the pain has persisted, yesterday it was especially bad all day long and I limped on my afternoon walk up the Lindon hills. Tonight? Doesn't hurt, not even a little bit, and that is the first time in a really long time. So I'm all healed, right?

I am not even kidding, but my right ankle is starting to hurt again tonight. This is getting ridiculous.


Carina said…
Clearly, your ankle was abducted by aliens.
Anonymous said…
Sorry you've having trouble again. There are various forms of tendonitis and arthritis that might be the culprit. I'm sure you've already googled it, as I did.
abby said…

Just kidding.
Christie K said…
I think you should talk to Jesse. He might be of some help. Or at least he could find someone at the hospital who might know the answer to your mystery ankle pains.
everydayjami said…
How perplexing????

I’m sure if you talk to a bone doctor you’ll have arthritis.
Talk to a chiropractor and you might need an adjustment.
Talk to a homeopath, just a few supplements is probably all you need.
Talk to a surgeon... I don’t even want to go down that path.
I say just get a little extra rest everyday and enjoy the cool weather in Utah. If it continues I'd get it checked out for sure.
I miss you and can’t wait till December.
Hope you feel better.
Maybe your ankle just misses Az. Time will heal that pain...
Anonymous said…
I think it's the ol' "squeaky wheel gets the grease" principle at work here; both of your ankles just want some pampering.

Hope you're adjusting to your new life. Hope Steve likes his job. Can't wait to read about your Utah adventures here...
Neil and Diana said…
I have had a lower right back/hip discomfort for, like, the last year, that at times flares up something fierce, and at others is barely noticeable. Anyway, it was glaringly present for a few months before school started (6 weeks ago). I tried stretching, tried yoga, tried a massage, and the pain would desist only for a short while. I was about to schedule a physical therapy appointment. THEN school started, and that first week I got "adjusted" by a local chiropractor and had a massage immediately thereafter. The discomfort has been zero to extremely mild ever since, EVEN THOUGH I walk around hot campus 3-5 days a week with a heavy, cumbersome backpack. THE MORAL: It could be stress. And an adjustment may help. The end.
Nancy said…
Emily, don't you know you live under the lady with all the answers? I have a similar thing going on with my knee right now, no injury, just swelling and pain. Maybe some glucosamine would help.

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