Galactagogue, for the win

I've been taking fenugreek for its galactagogic benefits. Galactagogue is one of my new all-time favorite words. Fenugreek makes me smell like maple syrup. As Steve commented, "[Fenugreek] helps with milk production and keeps Norah coming back for more with that winning maple syrup taste."

Steve is so great. One week from today will mark our tenth anniversary. I thought then and I think now that I am the luckiest girl to ever live to have won such a grand prize as my husband. One week ago today Steve was offered a job that will take him far away from the "law firm" life. He has been floating around, all cloud-nine-like, with a perma-grin ever since. His new job is at BYU. We are excited, but in our family, I tend to be the one who makes arrangements and does all things money. I'm nervous about whether our house will ever sell because every which way I turn all I hear about is Dow Jones down two hundred points, subprime market falling out, jumbo mortgage rates at 8 percent, saturated housing market, blah blah blah. What if we buy a new house in Utah, and then have to pay on two mortgages for a year because we can't give away our Phoenix house? Worst-case scenario, but financial risks make me nervous. I think I like other kinds of risk, sometimes.

Anyway, we're moving! That's our news. Utah, for the win.


abby said…
Need I say I AM EXCITED!?!?!?!?!
Angela said…
Yeah! I'm excited too! I've been wondering when you were going to blog about your big news. Because it's not real until you blog about it.
Anonymous said…
Hon, you're such a great writer. Who else could seamlessly weave together galactagogues, our decade of bliss, new job, and the woes of the market?
Courtney said…
Congrats to the whole family. What is the new job? We'll miss you in Phoenix but I'm sure Pam and LAurie will love having some grandkids close by.
Carina said…
YES! Sooner or later, we win you all back. Did you say BBQ with the Sandbergs? I thought I heard you say that. Let me know what you’re looking for house-wise and I can totally hook you up. Well, I can maybe hook you up.

Galactagoguery is one of my favorite topics. El Guille got into my fenugreek tablets and smelled like maple syrup for a week. His room also had that funny smell where he sprinkled the caplets like fairy powder.
Sarah said…
Please come back soon.
AmyJune said…
And I thought fenugreek was just a spice used for Indian dishes.
Are you guys going to live in Provo or another city near there?
Nancy said…
I'm still a little confused by the first part, but I'm very excited for your family, hopefully we'll join you there one day!
lys said…
I am still in utter shock that you guys are moving to Utah. I never imagined that you'd live AZ. I'm so glad that I get to reap the benefits of your move! Yippee for me!!!!
I was just like this: "I need some egloria in my life."
And then I remembered that the next time I say that I can probably just stop by in person. And that is why it's good to be c jane.
Emily said…
Ab and Ange and Lys and Cjane -- the fact that you all live in Utah makes the sun shine oh so brighter on this move! Please be my friends.

Steve -- every blogger should write about galactagogues.

Courtney -- I know you found out already, but S got a job in the General Counsel Office.

Azucar -- I did. I did indeed say BBQ at the Sandbergs'. Meeting you is a must!

Sarah -- Isn't your husband a Utahn? Join us!

Aim -- I'm leaning toward P-town. Who the heck knows where we'll end up!
Emily said…
Nancy -- Thanks for being excited for us. What part was confusing? I take fenugreek capsules to help my milk production. They make my milk smell like maple syrup. Mmmm!
Chelle said…
Even though I don't technically know you-- as a blogger, and a proud, proud Utahn, I am happy to hear that you are heading this way. Provo will be better for it.

...And I used to drink fenugreek tea when I was nursing, but I didn't notice the maple syrup effect.
...And you are right about the uncertain housing market.

It really was artful how you wrapped that all in one neat little bloggy package.
This is such amazing news! congrats to Steve. When do you move?
Wendy said…
Congrats! I know Abby is super excited. :-)

We'll have to get the boys together sometime. I was really impressed with how well they got along (I promise to keep Ezra from throwing dirt next time, though).

We've just decided to put our house on the market (yes, again) ... wanna buy it? I'm sure Steve won't mind a 40 minute commute every day. :-)
Suzie Petunia said…
I am so glad you can take your blog WITH you to Utah! :)
Carina said…
p.s. This isn't because of the UPS guy, is it?
Neil and Diana said…
Your house is in a really good location. We can fix it up like on HGTV!
kacy faulconer said…
You've always been totally forward with me so my I say that [yay] there is a house for sale on my street. Would you like to buy it and be my [real life]neighbor? Seriously. It's kind of expensive. Email me.
Emily said…
Kacy, how do I find your email address? I would love nothing more than to be your real life neighbor. This week's housing market crisis talk sufficiently spooked me to hold off on buying a house until ours sells here in Phoenix, so we will temporarily be housed at my in-laws' in Lindon. But when we begin earnest house-hunting, let's talk. You too, Azucar. I would love your input. Wendy, yeah, I think it's a little far to commute, but I think you're awesome for deciding to move and just doing it!

(I feel so cool to know the blogging queens of Provo!)
austinmcraig said…
You have more blogging friends than anybody I know, and I know a lot of people. OK, maybe not a lot, but a fair bit. SSSSOOOOOO glad you are coming to UT. Keep us posted on when, where, how I can help the move along.
kacy faulconer said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly(M&M) said…
Hi Emily,
Congrats on a big decision made. We just went through this process, but we felt we still belong here in Oregon. This is our home. I am excited for your new adventure and it seems like you have lots of friends who will welcome you to Utah. Congrats on your anniversary also, ours is the 21st. You seem very happy and that is awesome!!
Anonymous said…
arizona will probably go hillary now.
Emily said…
n, don't think I haven't considered the ineffectiveness of my vote in Utah.
Anonymous said…
Em, I'm jealous.

1. because I heart Provo.
2. because your husband is smiling about his professional prospects.
3. because you're leaving your stifling heat and i want leave mine.

but mostly, i'm just so happy for you guys and hope for the quick sale of your house! Good Luck!
Eliza said…
Congratulations! I just spent a couple of days in Utah and walked around BYU one day. It was a major flashback (not that it's been that long, but still) in a very good way. I love Utah. Don't know if I'll ever live there again, but I love it.

And I love BYU despite the ridiculous buildings they keep throwing up, nothing AT ALL against President Hinckley but anyway.

And, wouldn't it make a great story if Egloria and Kasm became neighbors in real life? Blogging is out of control I tell you, out of control.

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