I liked it

I don't remember who recommended it to me or why, but this movie showed up in my mailbox this week, so I watched it.

It was sweet and well done and made it hard to fold the laundry like I often do while watching movies, because I was wrapped up in the subtitles. I love subtitles. I don't love laundry. There are so many lovely foreign films out there to discover. It is always a lovely treat when I come upon one that doesn't make me fall asleep. Or maybe I'm just remembering my many experiences with International Cinema in the SWKT at BYU, being a tired student and succumbing to the dark theater. Or maybe it's that I fall asleep very, very easily while watching movies, regardless of the company (so many dates in high school, including after prom at Steve's house) or the thrill level (every single Harry Potter, Arachnophobia, Jaws) or the country of origin.

Anyway, I didn't fall asleep watching The Chorus. From me, that's decently high praise.


abby said…
I fell asleep watching Night at the Museum today. But I was really really tired. (BUT...I share your problem, my sister friend.)
Emily said…
Plus it's a really bad movie.
Carina said…
I LOVED The Chorus. It was so sweet. I think I teared up.

Other subtitled movies you should check out:
My Father's Glory and
My Mother's Castle
Cinema Paradisio (which i'm sure you've already seen.)
Carina said…
The Road Home
Wings of Desire
Divided We Fall
James' Journey to Jerusalem
The Sea Inside

(Other subtitled movies to check out.)
amyegodfrey said…
I don't know if it's out, but this is a great one:
Emily said…
All have been added to my queue. I look forward to them. Thanks! Any other movie recommendations for me?
Because I am hard of hearing, I have to watch all movies with subtitles. Kinda makes every film seem foreign.

I just watched The English Patient again, so good, every time.
Anonymous said…
thanks for the suggestion. i need to beef up my foreign film repertoire. We're Net Flickers...so I think my que will double in length tonight :)
Neil and Diana said…
Dear friend: Cache!
Christen Noelle said…
Michael's request for you is Pan's Labyrinth...as for me the only foreign films I ever seem to catch are the asian martial arts films such as "House of Flying Daggers" amazing, beautiful and always tear jerkers.

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