It was more timely last night, but Steve was on the computer

Hey, all you bandwagon jumpers! It's time to get on board.

They're on fire!

Can you name 5 players on the Suns?

I can, but just barely.* And I can't match their names to their faces, but I'm learning. [I really don't even know if this is a current starting line-up. I'm just stealing copyrighted images from the interweb, here. Just trying to be a fan. Sheesh.]

I'm reclaiming my NBA enthusiasm of yore. Ask me anything. I just recently discovered that New Orleans has a team, but they don't play in New Orleans, and Charlotte is called something else, and there was another expansion team that I've never heard about, in the south. I'm learning!

Go SUNS! 2007 is our year.

*Nash. . .Diaw. . .Stoudamire. . .Marion. . .Bell. . . .


Emily said…
The Charlotte Bobcats.

New Orleans plays in OK City.

Not an expansion team -- Memphis Grizzlies relocated from Vancouver.

Now I know.
Courtney said…
You're more on top of things than me. I'm just glad NAsh cut his hair but word on the street is he is growing back out again. It really looks dumb long.
Anonymous said…
leandro barbosa is fairly crucial.
Anonymous said…
Mandy said…
I would love for the Suns to take it all- especially so the Jazz wouldn't.
Anonymous said…
Nancy said…
It's a good thing you know a good lawyer so that you'll have some help when you're sued for stealing official photos! I admit I'm glad my husband's football season is almost over and that he's not a big basketball fan, but I'll support you in your excitement.
Suzie Petunia said…
This is so out of my realm of reality. I think we have a team in Portland, but we only hear about them when their mug shots are shown on the news for their most recent escapades.
Anonymous said…
the jail blazers
Neil and Diana said…
I think Steve Nash with short hair looks like Ben Stiller.
lys said…
I'm so impressed that you are such a fan! Go Emily!
AliceK[i]ND said…
The Suns are the whole reason I'm so behind on so many things in my life right now (like my blog)... I'm watching them play! Go Suns!

And heck yeah, Barbosa deserves mentioning!
Emily said…
Alice, who knew we had so much in common? TurboTax. . .the Suns. . .a brother-in-law. . . .

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