What I would have posted a week and a day ago if my scanner had been working

Governor Napolitano and Norah Belle, just after Janet had used a non-word ("recept") to describe what all the people at the party should do, and just before a little baby tug-of-war ensued between me, who went to grab my baby out of her arms, and Janet, who wasn't ready to let her go. I won the tug-of-war. She won the election. Everyone's happy (except my conservative friend Nancy.)


Anonymous said…
I want you to know I am reading your blog and loving evey min I do.
Emily said…
Thanks, Pep! Is yours started yet?
Suzie Petunia said…
Holding and kissing babies? Isn't that a little cliche? Politicians actually DO that?
Anonymous said…
So cute!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
oh yeah, by cute I mean the baby not the governor.
Anonymous said…
Norah Belle is so cute. What an expression. I'm guessing she would have voted for the other guy...

Hilarious about "recept."
amyegodfrey said…
So, so cute. What a fun picture to show for years to come!
AliceK[i]ND said…
I'm not sure I would have let her hold MY baby. :) But who could pass up a photo op like that? At least she's not really a lesbian.
Neil and Diana said…
I'm confused on many levels.
Anonymous said…
She's a babe! And Norah too!
Anonymous said…
Norah for governor.

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