Does my whole entire life consist of cleaning up fluids and chunky substances?

Or is it just today?

Milk and vomit and pee and poop and water and apple juice and Sprite and blood and tears. Up to my eyeballs. I think that about covers it.


Anonymous said…
What a good mom you are.
Anonymous said…
Maybe the housecleaner could do it.
AliceK[i]ND said…
I don't feel sorry for you. I don't have someone else to clean my house for me! :P
Emily said…
Can't we just support each other in our afflictions?
Anonymous said…
I was being serious! Well, I guess that would mean leaving fluids and chunky substances to dry and stink for awhile until she comes, but it would be nice if they all appeared 10 minutes before she arrived.
Neil and Diana said…
OK, since said housecleaner apparently comes twice a month, it is hardly feasible to expect her to deal with the daily toils of having four children, even in jest. Emily's chunky-substance grievance is real and poignant, and I am in full sympathy.
AliceK[i]ND said…
Now I feel like a jerk. I WAS TOTALLY JOKING! (That's what ":P" means, silly.) I swear, I DO feel sorry for you. And if you lived closer I would personally clean up your junk and chunks. Maybe if I use the force.....

P.S. I bet now you regret insisting that I comment on your blog!
Emily said…
Alice, I LOVE that you comment on my blog! And I will be calling you when next my child makes a vomitous mess. Thank you for offering!
Anonymous said…

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