Help me

Can anyone (Ryan??) please tell me why my Mac might be suddenly freezing beyond the point of control/apple/escape so that we have to turn off the power source at least once or twice a day? Also, we sometimes have static running through our monitor.

I will mail a prize to anyone who can help me.


Neil and Diana said…
maybe your hair dryer is plugged into the same power line. -Diana "Not Ryan" Godfrey
Anonymous said…
Gosh, I really want that prize sent to me in the mail but I don't know anything about computers.
Anonymous said…
Neil and Diana said…
i think u should take it back and demand a new one, if it's under warranty.
Anonymous said…
Offhand, I can't say. If it is still under warranty, take it on over to the Apple Store. If not, I can probably walk you through some diagnostics.

My guess is a logic board problem, that will probably require replacement, so yeah how 'bout that warranty!

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