How is it where you live?

It hasn't rained in Phoenix for almost 5 months. This weekend, we had one day of winter, and it was awesome.


What an amazing picture! I've never seen snow on a cactus before. Beautiful!
Neil and Diana said…
i wish it would rain here.
Did you take that shot Emily? It's gorgeous!
Emily said…
No, sorry. I failed to credit the Arizona Republic.
Anonymous said…
the mountains east of us, the Santans, I think, are blanketed with snow. I LOVE it! The kids all want to go sledding. Pinetop got 4 feet and the Nielsons were in the middle of it. That would be fun, if you had no place to be for a week!
Neil and Diana said…
maybe we all should make a point of having no place to be for a week, for at least a couple of weeks a year.
Lorien said…
great photo! my sister (who lives in Gilbert) was so excited and called my mom when it started to rain.
Suzie Petunia said…
It snowed a couple inches here in Portland last week. Global warming?! I think NOT! (... ok, I admit I don't know what I'm talking about.)
Emily said…
Re: Diana's comment

I made Steve plan out a Saturday and put it on the calendar during which we will do nothing for anybody else, only for ourselves. Selfish desire of my heart, it is. And it feels good. And that Saturday is, drum roll...... this weekend! Hooray. Help move yet another family into our ward? Sorry. Family commitment. Go to yet another bridal shower? Can't make it. I have a previous commitment. Ward temple night? Um, maybe, we'll see, but if we do, it will be for us and not for anyone else. I tell you, it has been a long time since we've had a no-commitment Saturday. I'm already planning ahead for the next one.
Emily said…
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Neil and Diana said…
that sounds very cool -- please let me know how it goes! will the children be left to their own devices?

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