Blahg blahg blahg

My husband tells me I go through stages. For awhile I was addicted to Yahoo computer games. Then, I was a sucker for watching Starting Over every day. After that phase passed (and thank goodness) I had a brief love affair with family history. You get the idea. Blogs have been my diversion of choice lately, but...Blogging Is Starting To Bore Me.

Thus, I've had nothing interesting to say lately. I haven't even read many of all the fun blogs out there that I used to be so hooked on. I am nothing if not a creature of change. So, I'm metamorphosing. I may come back in full force, but I may also take up knitting or quilting or Family Feud or some other temporary obsession. I'll let you know what happens.


neil said…
who needs blogging when there's this.
Anonymous said…
Neil, your "this" was blocked by my work station internet filter. Must be something good, much better than blogging anyway. But then again, the filter has been known to block the most innocuous links -- in the name of worker productivity. But it's Saturday, and I'm at the office -- isn't that overzealously productive to begin with?
Woefully short attention span people UNITE! We should make Sheryl Crow's song, 'A Change Would Do You Good', the theme for a convention.

I broke my addiction to T.V., The Wiggles (Greg is HOT), making marble magnets, quilting, piano, new recipes, photography, and etymology in one year. I'm moving on now to new sets of addictions like blogging. My husband says this phase will only last for another month before I become all consumed with something else. Steadfast and sure, I ain't.
Anonymous said…
E, please don't stop blogging. I won't know where to turn for a distraction from work!
amyegodfrey said…
Emily, you can't stop. At least write once in a while. It's one of the highlights of my day, something to look forward to when I get home.
Anonymous said…
Em, Your blog satisfies MY addiction right now. I need it at least 2-3 times a week. Keep up the good work...
kacy faulconer said…
I take this personally.

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