Momentary Lapse of Willpower

Eating peanut m&m's. Lots and lots of peanut m&m's.


Anonymous said…
You should have opted for peanut butter M&M's-- those are the best! :)
Anonymous said…
I agree with ahc. What about Russian candy?
Emily said…
If you were swearing off sugar, would YOU be tempted by the Russian candy? I mean, really. It's still all there.
Anonymous said…
What exactly is Russian candy? And I agree that peanut butter M&M's reign supreme in the M&M world, but have you ever had a Lindt peanut butter truffle? They are deffinitly worth a "momentary lapse of willpower". Or for that matter an absence of willpower entirely.
Emily said…
We have lovely new neighbors from Moscow who brought us a huge canister of. . .guess. . .guess. . .yes, you are absolutely right! Russian candy!! All KINDS of chocolates and sweets with labels we cannot read. Ordinarily, I would be delighted and feel very obligated to eat it all, but now that I am exercising a certain bit of most-of-the-time restraint, I am abstaining from the gigantic Russian vat of unknown and probably-made-with-liquor sweets. Next time you come to visit, you will certainly be offered some. (That means you, Pepper.)
Suzie Petunia said…
Pass the candy! I don't think I can even list all of the things I ate today which contained refined sugar. MMMMmmmmmm! Mint M&M's are my favorite. They usually only sell them in red and green during the holidays. Has anybody seen them this season? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Suzie Petunia said…
By the way, Emily... Have I ever told you that you have a lovely nose? What I'd do...
Anonymous said…
Mint M&Ms are at Target. I bought some last week and tried really hard not to eat the whole bag. I finally had to pawn them off on someone else.
Anonymous said…
Ialmost forgot to say that I really wish I had Russian neighbors next door to me. I would love to learn how to cook Russian food. Instead we have the old hippie couple next door and the soon to be rented out house on the other side. Istill haven't worked up the courage to ask the Vietnamese grandma who lives on the corner and always says hi to me and the baby on our runs if she would tutor me in Vietnamese cooking. Maybe someday I will getthe nerve up.
Suzie Petunia said…
Thank you, Amy June! I'm on my way to Target to get mint M&Ms. I'm sure I'll pick up a few other things while I'm there. Always do. :)
Anonymous said…
dad has momentary lapses too - but he gets right back on that sugar-free horse. He does, however, have a weakness for tater tot casserole. mmmmm mmmmm good! nothing wrong with that dad! maybe the key is to find another weakness - heart-attack in a pan works.
Anonymous said…
We have almost finished off 2 lbs of see's candy in the last 3 days... Looking forward to the russian candy.
Zookeenee said…
I wish you guys lived closer. Mainly because Steve and I can eat Vodka soaked candy while whe go on our male model photo shoots. I think I will make that my desktop photo.

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