Oh, boy!
"This is your second?" she asks when we walk in with Isaac. " It's number four," I tell the ultrasound technician. "We have three boys." "Well, we already know what this one will be, don't we?" she asks as the first images of our baby flash onto the monitor. "Do you know already?" I wonder. "No. But I would bet money on it being a boy. When you have three of the same thing, it's almost always the same for the next. Almost a sure thing." She takes her time. Our baby's heart. It has 4 chambers! The liver. The kidneys. She measure the spine. Two legs, two feet. One arm that's visible. The other is folded close to its chest. A measurement of the brain. The baby weighs 1/2 pound already! (I groan inwardly--those other 17 1/2 pounds are all mine??) There's a spleen, an esophagus. Not really -- we don't get that detailed, but it sure seems to be taking a long time. I wait patiently. Our baby appears to ...